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Phases of injury

1. The athlete has to deal with … phases of injury: denial, anger, depression, and acceptance. 2. These … follow Elisabeth Kubler-Ross's model of the stages of death and dying. 4. After injury, the athlete faces three … …. 3. The injury may be minimal and allow a … return, the athlete may have a prolonged period of rehabilitation, or the playing … may be at an end. 5. The athlete must be encouraged along positive avenues to have … … … to achieve complete rehabilitation, both emotionally and physically. 6. Early denial of the injury is …, since the athlete attempts to rationalize that everything will be all right. 7. The athlete feels that the injury … … … the next day and that the early diagnosis is wrong. 8. However, when the next day arrives and … … is not better, the athlete begins to have difficulty dealing with recovery not being imminent. 9. As a consequence, the athlete often … anxious, isolated, and lonely.

  The value of listening Listen to determine how the athlete is feeling rather than to what he or she is saying.  

5.6. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.

1. Anger may soon replace this feeling … disbelief as the injured player vents feelings. 2. Whoever happens to be around the athlete often bears the brunt … the anger. 3. Anger cannot be reasoned …, and the athletic health-care personnel must understand and not react to the anger … the athlete. 4. This response is merely emotional, a release … frustration. 5. The sports therapist must act as an emotional blotter and, if possible, not further aggravate the situation … attempting to exert power to calm down the athlete. 6. The sports therapist should listen to what the athlete is feeling … rather than to what is said. 7. This active listening requires … time and effort. 8. The athlete has lost control … the situation and is seeking to regain it

5.7. Open the bracket and use verbs in proper Tense and Voice.

1. Next, moods of anger, bargaining, and depression often (to interrelate), with the athlete swinging from one to the other and back. 2. Bargaining also (may, to begin) after the initial phase of denial, with the athlete saying the injury isn't real. 3. The athlete (may, to put) a concentrated effort into treatment and rehabilitation for a brief period to get back into competition for the game. 4. When this effort fails, the athlete often (to drop) into depression and (to slack) off on rehabilitation effort. 5. In this phase the athlete (to lose) control of the physical situation and often the emotional control that goes with it. 6. Team and individual identity (to go), and the athlete (to be) an outsider watching from the sidelines or often from the stands. 7. Being in the stands often further (to isolate) the athlete. 8. This action alone often (to solidify) the phase of depression and (should, to avoid) wherever possible. 9. Success or failure of the team (may, to produce) anxiety within the injured athlete. 10. If the team wins, the athlete (to wonder) what role is left; if the team loses, the anxiety (to be) great for the athlete to return to help the team.

5.8. Ask questions to the words in italics.

1. Acceptance is a phase many well-managed athletes move into with ease. 2. Fortunately, this group comprises most of the athletes with whom the competent sports therapist will work. 3. The positive interest, energy, and empathy shown by the sports therapist make the transition from initial injury and denial to the acceptance phase a quicker recovery for the athlete. 4. This explains why some rehabilitation personnel who rapidly get their athletes to acceptance rarely see the athlete who is not psychologically adjusting to injury. 5. Whereas some sports therapists who poorly manage their athletes continually see a great number of these individuals.

5.9. Translate the following into English.

У травмированных лиц наблюдаются различные психологические реакции, которые, как правило, включают 5 этапов: отрицание, гнев, «заключение сделки», депрессию, принятие и реорганизацию. У них часто наблюдают также повышенную тревожность и чувство страха, сниженную уверенность в себе, снижение уровня физической активности. Работая с травмированным спортсменом, следите за появлением симптомов «ненормальной» реакции на травму.

Психологические основы реабилитации включают такие аспекты: установление взаимоотношений с травмированным человеком, его информация о сущности травмы и протекании процесса восстановления, обучение специальным психологическим навыкам и приемам, таким, как определение целей, идеомоторные акты, релаксация, подготовка травмированного человека к возможным рецидивам в процессе реабилитации и обеспечение социальной поддержки.

Специалисты в области физической культуры и спорта должны проводить специальные занятия, направленные на профилактику травм, помощь получившим травму и обеспечение психологических условий, которые бы способствовали процессу восстановления

5.10. Act out a conversation below.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 287 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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