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Specific adaptations to imposed demands

- What is necessary to the SAID?

- Er… Pardon me, please. I don’t quite understand what SAID means.

- You see…SAID means specific adaptations to imposed demands.

- I think adherence to the SAID principle is necessary for rehabilitation goals.

- Right you are. Many athlete-specific factors can cause a practitioner to modify the rehabilitation goals. Such factors include type of sport, time remaining in the season, other sports of participation, game rules, outside sporting influences, psyche of the athlete, type and severity of the injury, stage of healing, and treatment techniques

- Different sports place different demands on an injury, don’t they?

- Yes. For example, a shoulder injury to a soccer player does not produce as great a playing deficit as a shoulder injury to a baseball player.

- Can time remaining in the season and other sport participations produce modifications in the rehabilitation goals?

- Well… If an injury occurs at the end of the season and there is no postseason championship play, the athlete may choose to be conservative and not strive for active participation in the last game.

- You have said it. This choice may especially be the case if the athlete will soon be involved with another sport season.

6.12. Study the following material.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 405 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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