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Outline of factors that influence rehabilitation


1. Type of sport

a. Demands that particular sport will make upon the injury

b. Position played

2. Time remaining in the season

a. Beginning vs. end of season

b. Postseason play and championships

3. Other sports

a. Other sports in which the athlete participates

b. Priorities of these sports

4. Sport rules

a. As they relate to injuries and substitutions

b. Protective equipment

5. Outside sporting influence

a. Possibility of scholarships

b. Parents' or coach's involvement with the injury

6. Psyche of the athlete

a. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

b. Cooperation and compliance

c. Competitiveness

d. Pain threshold

7. Type of injury

a. Sprain vs. contusion vs. fracture

b. Secondary injuries

8. Severity of the injury

a. Amount and degree of dysfunction

9. Type of treatment and rehabilitation

a. The requirement of surgical intervention including precautions,

contraindications, and complications

b. Speed in controlling initial pain and swelling

c. Type of surgical procedure (for example, meniscal repair vs. meniscectomy)

6.12.1. Translate the following into your native language in writing.

6.12.2. Make up a story on each separate item.

6.12.3. Write a story on factors that influence rehabilitation goals.

6.12.4. Tell in class about factors that influence rehabilitation goals.

6.13. Give a talk on “Managing the Healing Process Through Rehabilitation”

VII. Oral topic IV.

  INJURY PREVENTION The best way to treat a sports injury is to prevent the injury from occurring. After an athlete has acquired an injury, a speedy but thorough initial evaluation must be performed so that appropriate, immediate rehabilitation goals and a treatment management program may be established. Goals include specific data. The most efficient and effective form of rehabilitation is therapeutic exercise. The rehabilitation goals after injury are based upon the safe return of an injured athlete to the previous level of competition as quickly as possible.  

7.1. Listen to the text of the oral topic “Injury Prevention”.

7.2. Read and translate the text “Injury Prevention”.

7.3. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What is the best way to treat a sports injury? 2. What should be done immediately

after an athlete has acquired an injury? 3. What purpose should the initial evaluation be done for? 4. What kind of data do the goals include? 5. What is therapeutic exercise? 6. The rehabilitation goals after injury are based upon the safe return of an injured athlete to the previous level of competition as quickly as possible, aren’t they?

7.4. Find English equivalents for the following.

предыдущий; оценка/обследование; вылечить; тщательный; лучший способ; программа организации лечения; как можно быстрее; предотвращать; включать/содержать; безопасное возвращение; выполнять; травмированный спортсмен; цель; соответствующий/подходящий; уровень; специальные данные

7.5. Complete the sentences with logical endings.

1. The best way to treat a sports injury is....

2. After an athlete has acquired an injury, a speedy but thorough initial evaluation....

3. Goals include....

4. The most efficient and effective form of rehabilitation is....

5. The rehabilitation goals after injury are based upon....

7.6. Fill in the gaps with words from a box.

  familiar; off-season conditioning programs; preventive; aid  
EDUCATION   1. Education is the best form of … medicine. 2. The educated athlete studies … … …, biomechanics, diet and nutrition, equipment fitting, sports psychology, injury prevention techniques, and injury treatment procedures. 3. The educated athlete also becomes … with the rules and regulations of the sport, especially as they relate to drug control and banned substances. 4. Knowledge and understanding of these concepts … the athlete in the prevention and treatment of injuries.   Education prevents injury. Education of athletes assists in the prevention and treatment of injuries.  

7.7. Open the brackets and use the verbs in a proper Tense and Voice form.

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