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Endurance activities

Endurance activities are one phase of a seven-step conditioning program

6.7. Supply the gaps with articles if necessary

1. Therefore … major goal of off-season conditioning is to achieve … highest level of fitness possible and thus enter … season in … conditioned rather than an unconditioned state. 2. This goal is best accomplished by structuring … well-balanced conditioning program that can be performed as effectively yet efficiently as possible. 3. This program should include seven major phases: (1) … warm-up, primarily performed to prepare … cardiovascular system for stress, (2) stretching, to promote proper range of motion, (3) strengthening exercises, (4) endurance activities, (5) sport-specific or functional activities, to meet the special demands and skills … particular sport requires, (6) cool-down, and (7) relaxation techniques, to aid in … recovery from fatigue and promote stress reduction. 4. … off-season gives … sports therapist … opportunity to rehabilitate injuries incurred during in-season participation.

6.8. Read, translate a text below and have it as a dictation.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 373 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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