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Isokinetic testing may be performed for preparticipation data collection

7.8. Insert prepositions if necessary.

  SAFE PLAYING ENVIRONMENT AND EQUIPMENT   1. The sports medicine practitioner carefully inspects all playing facilities to ensure that they are safe … play. 2. Weather conditions should also be monitored … recommendations made to the coach or athletic director. 3. Such weather conditions
include heat, cold, rain, and … lightning. 4. Injuries can be prevented … appropriate clothing and equipment. 5. Also, the correct fitting … the equipment is essential. 6. Protective clothing and equipment not only are used to protect the athlete … acquiring an injury but also can be used to further protect an injury already sustained. 7. Lightning is another serious weather occurrence that must be treated … respect. 8. As … all potential injuries, the best treatment is prevention. 9. The rule... thumb
Protective equipment Proper instruction for wear and care is essential when using protective equipment

when playing during lightning is if you can count 15 seconds or less … the time you see lightning and the time you hear thunder, the athletic competition should be postponed (1 mile = 5 seconds; lightning can strike up to 3 miles away)."

7.9 Act out a conversation.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 290 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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