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Nutrition is an important component of in-season and off-season conditioning. A good nutritional program should consist of low-fat, high-fibre nutritious foods from the major food groups including dairy products, fruits and vegetables, breads and cereals, meats and meat alternatives such as nuts. The recommended ratio of these foods is about 55% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 15% protein. Nutritional supplements, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals, are expensive and are often not necessary if the athlete's diet is nutritionally well balanced.

6.9. Ask questions to the words in italics.

1. The major difference between in-season and off-season nutritional conditioning is caloric intake. 2. The caloric intake of individuals is very dependent upon activity level. 3. The average sedentary person may require about 1500 Calories per day, whereas moderately training athletes average 3000 Calories per day and intensely training endurance athletes may require over 5 000 Calories per day. 4. During a lowered training level, such as off-season conditioning, the athlete’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) lowers. 5. The BMR is the lowest amount of energy needed to keep the body running during waking hours. 6. When the BMR lowers, fewer Calories are burned by the athlete, thus the potential of increased body fat exists. 7. Therefore most off-season conditioning programs should include caloric restrictions.

6.10. Translate the following into English.

По мере проведения долгосрочной программы лечения (While the long-term treatment program advances), следует определить, когда для спортсмена можно безопасно возобновить тренировки. Это решение принимается непосредственно спортивным врачом (sports physician) после консультаций с инструктором по ЛФК (sports therapist), тренером и самим спортсменом.

Результаты оценки (reevaluation) физического состояния спортсмена, вкупе с (along with) пониманием специфических требований конкретного вида спорта и его квалификации, должны быть тщательно проанализированы для того, чтобы определить адекватно ли лечение функциональному уровню спортсмена для его безопасного возвращения в спорт (whether the healing and functional level of the athlete are adequate for safe reentry in sports).

При возникновении каких-либо сомнений в степени излечения и безопасного возвращения спортсмена в спорт (Whenever in doubt concerning the degree of healing and safe return of the athlete), следует придерживаться консервативных позиций (the health-care professional must be conservative).

6.11. Act out a conversation.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 307 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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