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The injured area should be protected from additional injury by applying appropriate splints, braces, pads, or other immobilization devices. If the injury involves the lower extremity, it is recommended that the athlete go nonweight bearing on crutches at least until the acute inflammatory response has subsided.

5.10. Translate the following into English.



Отдых после каждого типа травмы является чрезвычайно (extremely) важным компонентом любой программы лечения (treatment program). Как только(once) анатомические структуры травмируются (is injured), немедленно (immediately) начинается процесс восстановления (healing). Если травмированной структуре (injured structure) не обеспечить состояние покоя, а подвергать дальнейшим внешним стрессам и деформациям (is subjected to external stress and strains), то процесс излечения никогда в действительности (never really) не получит ни одного шанса, чтобы начаться. Следовательно (consequently), травма не проходит (the injury does not get well), а время, необходимое (required for) на реабилитацию, значительно (markedly) взрастает. Количество дней, необходимых (necessary) для отдыха (resting), зависит от серьёзности травмы (varies with the severity of the injury), даже в случае самых незначительных (minor)повреждений травму не следует беспокоить приблизительно (approximately) от 48 до 72 часов до начала активной реабилитационной программы.

Следует подчеркнуть(It must be emphasized), что отдых не подразумевает (mean) то, что спортсмен ничем не занимается (does nothing). Термин «отдых» относится (applies) только к травмированной части тела.

5.11. Discuss the theme “The Healing Process and the Pathophysiology of

Musculoskeletal Injuries” with your group mates in class.

5.12. Retell the text “The Healing Process and the Pathophysiology of Musculoskeletal Injuries”.

VI. Oral topic III

MANAGING THE HEALING PROCESS THROUGH REHABILITATION   In sports medicine, the rehabilitation philosophy relative to inflammation and healing after injury is to assist the natural processes of the body while doing no harm. The course of rehabilitation chosen by the sports therapist must focus on their knowledge of the healing process and its therapeutic modifiers to guide, direct, and stimulate the structural function and integrity of the injured part. The primary goal should be to have a positive influence on the inflammation and repair process to expedite recovery of function in terms of range of motion, muscular strength and endurance, neuromuscular control, and cardiorespiratory endurance. The sports therapist must try and minimize the early effects of excessive inflammatory processes including pain modulation, edema control, and reduction of associated muscle spasm, which can produce loss of joint motion and contracture. Finally, the sports therapist should concentrate on preventing the recurrence of injury by influencing the structural ability of the injured tissue to resist future overloads by incorporating various training techniques.  

6.1. Listen to the text of the oral topic “Managing the Healing Process Through Rehabilitation”

6.2. Read and translate the text.

6.3. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What is rehabilitation philosophy relative to inflammation and healing after

injury? 2. What must the sports therapist focus on? 3. What is the primary goal of the rehabilitation course? 4. Who must try and minimize the early effects of excessive inflammatory processes? 5. What produces loss of joint motion and contracture? 6. How can the sports therapist prevent the reccurrence of injury?

6.4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

травмированный, с точки зрения /с позиции, чрезмерный, относительный /связанный с, главный / важнейший, регулировать процесс лечения, включая различную тренировочную технику, сосредотачиваться /фокусироваться на знании, отек, организм, воспаление, не навредить, терапевтический модификатор, восстановительный процесс, неприкосновенность, рецидив, спектр движений, позитивное влияние, сопротивляться, привести к утрате подвижности сустава, болевая модуляция, уменьшить /снизить, сверхнагрузки / перегрузки, ускорять выздоровление, уменьшение сопутствующего мышечного спазма, сосредотачиваться на профилактике, стараться, мышечная сила и выносливость, руководить и направлять, контрактура, способствовать / помогать, нервномышечный

6.5. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

  physician, status, an injury, muscle groups, goals  

1. Preinjury data collection can help identify possible problem areas and set … in rehabilitation. 2. Testing, including muscle strength, power, and endurance, in various … … provides objective data. 3. Thest data may be used to devise short- and long-term goals after … … is sustained. 4. The sports therapist or … may now set goals such as "increase strength to 80% of preinjury level" or "return to full preinjury status." 5. Subsequent testing may be performed, and the athlete's progress or … is objectively identified.

Functional activities. Functional activities are used to meet the special demands and skills a particular sport requires. A, Starting position. B, Terminal position.

6.6. Insert prepositions if necessary.

1. The primary goal in rehabilitation, injury prevention, can be aided … proper physical conditioning. 2. Off-season conditioning is essential … an athlete seeking maximal in-season performance. 3. Off-season conditioning (1) decreases the athlete's risk … injury, (2) decreases the rehabilitation time once an injury has occurred, (3) promotes excellence, (4) maintains an athlete's previous education of task performance, and (5) provides a close, positive bond between the athlete and the sport, thus aiding … the athlete's mental well-being and sport enjoyment. 4. The first 4 weeks … a season are the most dangerous because the participants are generally … … condition.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 394 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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