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Speak on the principles of air - conditioning dwelling on the following information

1. Comparison of ventilation and air -conditioning.

2. The definition of air-conditioning;

3. The factors controlled by air - conditioning.

2. Read the text "A new Air - conditioning Market in France". Prepare similar report on the state of things in Air - conditioning in your country.

“A New Air - conditioning Market in France”.

As in most European countries, the air - conditioning market in France has been in recession over the last twelve months. Economic re­straints and reductions in government spending led to a fall in construction and a setback in buying new equipment.

In relation to the other countries in the European Economic Commu­nity, France is in about second place as a producer of air- conditioning equipment. Germany's output is by far the greatest, holding about 40 per­cent of the total European industry. France nevertheless scores as an ex­porter with an estimated 40 percent of production last year going overseas and to other EEC countries. For the home market, two sectors offer poten­tial until 1985: hupermarkets (a combination of supermarket and shopping center) and hotels.

Words to be studied and memorized:

1. Physicians


2. humidity (a moderate humidity)

to maintain a moderate humidity

3.from the standpoint of comfort and health

4.to be enveloped by a layer of warm and humid air


syn. motionless, without motion

6.air velocity

velocity of air

7.human beings

8.air currents

9.high velocity of air

high velocity jets of air

10.air supply


Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 195 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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