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The term air-conditioning has been widely used. For many years we have introduced air into buildings after heating, dehumidifying and in some cases, cooling it and we have called that process ventilation……………………………

Read the text "Principles of air-conditioning " and:

1. Find the definition of air-conditioning.

2. Enumerate the factors controlled by air-conditioning.

3. Pick out sentences which stress the importance of air-conditioning.

4. State in what way the text presents the difference between the process of ventilation and air-conditioning.


The term air conditioning has been so widely and loosely used that we should be careful in trying to understand its true meaning. For many years we have introduced air into buildings after heating, dehumidifying and in some cases, cooling it. And we have called that process ventilation. In recent years much greater stress has been laid on the treatment of air and we call the process air conditioning. Thus, air conditioning is the treatment of air to make it either more comfortable and healthful for peo­ple or more suitable for manufacturing processes. Developments of the last twenty years have changed our conception of air conditioning. Air condi­tioning is required for offices, department stores, hospitals, hotels and dwelling houses. But the techniques of air conditioning have not kept pace with the increasing demand. The cost of an air conditioning system influ­ences the cost of building, as it need the additional height and floor areas to mount this air conditioning.

Some efforts have been made to reduce the space occupied by air conditioning. But they have not been definitive, except some methods that have been used for many years.

Air conditioning is rapidly being adopted in passenger ships and automobiles. Car heaters have been employed for some time new equip­ment has been designed to maintain interiors temperature in summer and winter.

  to lay stress on уделять внимание
  meaning значение
  conception понятие
  technique метод
  to keep pace with идти наравне
  to reduce уменьшать
  to adopte принимать
  to employ применять
  to occupy занимать
  definitive определённый
  automobile автомобиль

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 444 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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