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How words work

Exercise 7 Use the photo and the context to describe Mary.

      “Don’t you know, Mary? She’s got shoulder-length wavy/straight blond hair. She’s quite short/tall and slim/overweight. She gas got brown eyes. She’s middle-aged/in her early twenties. Her brother, Tony, is a good friend of mine. Both of them like outdoor sports like skiing/stamp collecting and hiking/listening to music. She is a very outgoing, sociable/shy sort of person who seems to know hundreds of people. She’s very cheerful/stubborn -you know, the sort of person who is always laughing. But she can be a bit disorganized/reliable. She once lost everybody’s cinema tickets and we all had to pay again!”

Exercise 8 Complete the dialogue with modal verbs: must, can’t or might

A reporter is interviewing Mrs Miles for a TV news programmer.

Complete the conversation with necessary words: must, can’t or might

Mrs Miles: My name is Nora Miles, and I’m going to do a parachute jump.

Reporter: Mrs Miles, you are seventy-three, you are going to jump out of an aero plane. You _____ be mad. You (1) __________ be serious.

Mrs Miles: It really (2) _________ be wonderful to look down from the sky. I’ve always wanted to try it.

Reporter: But anything could happen. You (3) _________ be injured or even killed. It wouldn’t take the risk.

Mrs Miles: Well, young man, your life (4) __________ be much fun if you never take risks. You ought to try it. You never know – you (5) _________ enjoy it.

Reporter: Enjoy it? You (6) ___________ be joking!

Exercise 9 Look at these two photos and describe the people’s appearances using active vocabulary.  

Exercise 10 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box

selfish quiet competitive sociable moody

a) Julia sometimes gets ________ if she’s not allowed to do what she wants.

b) Debra was very ________ tonight. Do you think she’s

c) In sport, boys are often more ________ than girls. They always want to win.

d) You should think about how other people feel instead of being so ________!

e) My brother’s so ________. He can talk to anyone about anything.

Exercise 11 Write the opposite of the following adjectives.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 1557 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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