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Political thought of the Ancient Greece and Rome

Many ideas of an initial stage of development of the western political science represent considerable interest, not only as expression of mentality and culture of an antique society, but also reflexion of evolution of political ideas which have found the theory form. During this period many assumptions which have made then fundamental максимы of the western political science, which steels have been stated by the maintenance of the western political culture. Development of political thought of the initial stage is characterised by a number of common features:

1) search of ideal model of the state, capable to provide justice and an order;

2) policy consideration as unique form of civilised life of the person, assuming нерасчлененность the states, a society and the separate individual;

3) absence of a clear boundary between philosophy, ethics and a policy that has defined moralising, instructive character of works on a political problematics;

4) the limited rationalism of political thought which has been caused by appreciable influence of religion.

Political knowledge in antiquity existed in the filosofsko-ethical form as all philosophers of the Ancient Greece to some extent concerned a political problematics. The most essential contribution to development of political thought have brought Platon (427-347 BC) the works "State" and "Laws", and also its pupil Aristotle the treatise of "Politician". From the Roman philosophers appreciable influence on development of political representations was rendered by works of visible public figure Tsitserona (106-43 BC) «About the state» and «About laws».

Political ideas of the Ancient Greece and Rome were generalisation of experience of functioning of such unique public form, as the antique policy (city-state). The policy represented special type public and a state system which leant against the economic and political sovereignty of a community

As best Tsitseron considered the mixed mode combining advantages of the imperial power (care of the monarch of citizens), aristocracy (wisdom of governors) and democracy (people freedom

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 383 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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