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Задание III. 1. What is the basic purpose of the Strategic Planning Institute study?

А. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What is the basic purpose of the Strategic Planning Institute study?

2. How do market share and profit of firms depend on quality?

3. What does total quality performance mean?

4. What are the basic statements of Corning quality policy?

5. Has Corning used quality principles at carrying out his own quality policy?

B. Завершите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста

1. A quality policy should be developed by ____.

2. A quality policy should be arisen from a ____.

3. Firms manufacturing high-quality products also have the largest share of the market and ____ most from market growth.

4. The role of quality in strategy has sometimes ____ in the past.

5. Total quality performance means ____.

6. Corning persistently pursues education of its employees in ____.

7. Policy statements should be followed up with detailed quality ____ set on a periodic basis.

C. Определите, являются ли истинными данные ниже утверждения

1. A corporate strategy influences greatly the quality policy.

2. Firms that produce high-quality products have benefits from market growth.

3. Companies in a weak market position should produce a greater amount of items to build market share.

4. Quality plays an important strategic role in the world market.

5. The Japanese and Germans gained a U.S. market due to high marketing expenditures.

6. Corning Glass works incorporate their efforts to achieve benefits most from market growth.

7. Corning pays great attention to training on the job for all employees.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 374 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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