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Задание III. 1. Are there any differences in quality practices between the

А.Ответьте на вопросы

1. Are there any differences in quality practices between the

United States and Japan?

2. What is the scrubdown procedure aimed at?

3. Who pays for the real cost of failure in Japan and in the United States?

4. Do the Japanese pay much attention to quality training?

5. Why do the Americans improve quality nowadays?

B. Завершите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста

1. The Japanese have had a progress in producing items of ____.

2. Juran considered some differences between _____.

3. A very careful procedure to ensure the quality of design and conformance is called ______.

4. In producing TV sets Japan has emphasized ____.

5. The manufacturers in Japan pay for the real cost of failure therefore they pay more attention to ____.

6. It’s well known that a key to ____ is the use of quality of components.

7. The manufacturers in Japan stress teamwork and ____.

C. Определите, являются ли истинными данные ниже утверждения

1. Japanese quality practice has been greatly developed in recent years.

2. The analysis of Japanese and American quality shows that quality practices between the two countries are similar.

3. Scrubdown of new products in the United States is more careful and deliberate than in Japan.

4. The Japanese put reliability of the new products on the first place.

5. The American manufactures sell their TV sets through huge retail chains.

6. The Japanese methods of producing quality items may be equally all right for both Japan and the United States.

7. Nowadays manufactures have to improve quality of ready products as a matter of survival.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 405 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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