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Public speaking

is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate [di’lib(ə)rit](тщательно спланированный)manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain(развлекать) the listeners. In public speaking, as in any form of communication, there are five basic elements, often expressed as "who is saying what to whom using what medium with what effects?" The purpose of public speaking can range(диапозон) from simply transmitting(передающаяся) information, to motivating people to act, to simply telling a story. Good orators should be able to change the emotions of their listeners, not just inform them. Public speaking can also be considered a discourse community. Interpersonal communication(межличностные) and public speaking have several components that embrace(охватывает) such things as motivational speaking, leadership/personal development, business, customer service, large group communication, and mass communication. Public speaking can be a powerful tool to use for purposes such as motivation, influence, persuasion(убеждение), informing, translation, or simply entertaining.+presentation. Many people have a fear(страх) of public speaking& but a certain amount of adrenalin and nerves can help make a presentation more successful. Plenty of preparation time, knowing your topic, rehearsing [ri’hə:s] (репетиция)and adapting your talk and presentation style according to the audience are also essential(существенный). Apart from the actual content of a presentation, speakers should also consider the following: room set-up(конференц-зал), seating arrangements(рассадка), pace of delivery(темпы) and tone of voice, gestures [ˈʤesʧə] (жест)and body language, signs of approval [əˈpru:v(ə)l](одобрение, благоприятное мнение) or disapproval, which may all vary according to culture and audience type. Visual aids (наглядные пособия) make a presentation easier to follow, but speakers should acquaint [ə’kweint] (ознакомить)themselves with technical equipment [i‘kwipmənt](оборудов) beforehand to avoid any unnecessary embarrassment [im’bærəsmənt](затруднение, помеха) should things go wrong. PowerPoint is a useful and commonly used program for presentations, although some speakers still prefer to use an overhead projector with transparencies [træns’pær(ə)n(t)si](прозрачность)or slides as well as handouts хендаут (тезисы доклада, лекции, раздаваемые слушателям). Presentations, it is often said, need a beginning, a middle and an end. The use of humour or appropriate anecdote ["Ænɪkdəʊt] to open a presentation can help to engage the audience or get them on your side, although humour differs widely in each culture and should be used sensitively [' sensɪtɪv] or not at all. Another way to start off a presentation is with some brief, interesting or surprising facts and figures [ˈfigə]. At the start of any presentation, speakers should also introduce themselves briefly, if they have not already been formally introduced by someone else, before giving an overview of the talk. Likewise [ˈlaikwaiz](подобно,также), after presenting the company, product or research findings [ˈfaindiŋ](выводы, заключения), etc., the speaker needs to summarise or conclude the main points of the presentation before signaling [ˈsin(ə)lin] the end and inviting any further [ˈfə:də] questions from the public.The question-and-answer session or Q&A after a presentation is sometimes considered the most challenging(стимулирующая) part of speaking in public, as not all questions can be anticipated [æn’tisipeit](предвидеть,ожидать). The presenter, however, should be prepared to a certain extent, if only to be able to refer the member of the audience to another authority or suggest further e-mail correspondence to follow up a particular issue [‘iʃu ː] [ ‘isju:]. Networking

Some managers say an important part of getting work done is building relationships and having an extensive [iks’ten(t)siv](широкая) network(сеть) of contacts. Networks are largely built through work contacts, for example, in meetings and conferences and by doing favours for others. Managers can participate(участвовать) in company retreats(отступления) and training programmes, as well as getting to know people socially [ˈsəuʃ(ə)li] during coffee breaks, business lunches or on the golf course! However, the extent (степени)to which employees socialise outside working hours varies tremendously [tri’mendəsli] (extremely чрезвычайно)according to personal preference, company and national culture. Exchanging business cards, listening actively, making eye contact, asking suitable questions and finding common ground are all practical ways of networking, although certain practices or behaviours will vary(отличаться) from country to country.

13) Negotiations [niˌgəuʃiˈeiʃ(ə)n] переговоры

Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

I’m so glad to see all of you here today and listening my speech. Hope you will enjoy it. If you have some questions during the speech, I’m glad to answer them at the end.

The topic of my speech today is negotiations, the way to conduct(проведение) them successfully. During my speech I’ll give several useful advices about conducting them correctly, I’ll also give some hints on negotiating and tell which characteristics the person should have for becoming a skillful negotiator.

Firstly, I will start from the main definition of negotiation. Negotiation is a dialogue intended(предназначен.) to resolve disputes(решен споров), to produce an agreement upon courses of action, to bargain[ˈbɑ:gin] (договориться,торговаться) for individual or collective advantage, or to craft outcomes(рез-ты) to satisfy various interests.

In the business sphere negotiation is the way to achieve your own goal via the art of speaking and persuading [pəˈsweid](убеждать). But negotiations can be conducted as easily as we consider them, especially in case when business is made between international companies or partners. In this very situation business people should prepare themselves for the plenty of pitfalls [ˈpitfɔ:l](западня,подводный камень), and the only way to avoid them is to gather(собирать) the necessary knowledge about the national characteristics of business partners and the way they may influence on their behavior. Now I will speak about the certain advices that can help you while conducting negotiations. Preparation is the most important part of negotiations, except dialog between partners by itself. In preparation phase it’s useful to make any kind of researches about your business partners, their strong and weak points, the way they got used to make the business and all other relevant information, though if your approach to preparation phase is too fanatic, this may ruin your negotiations. Another important moment in negotiation is the technique of conducting negotiations. People usually don’t like persuasive [pəˈsweisiv](убедительный) rhetoric, when partners are too tough [tʌf] (жесткий) and hard-edged (бескомпромиссный)or in other situation when these partners push on them too much. Language should be conformable [kənˈfɔ:məbl](соответствовать) to the style of negotiations.

As we see now negotiating is a rather difficult process and not everybody can take part in it. So which characteristic should the person have for becoming a good negotiator? First of all, the individual must be tolerable [ˈtɔl(ə)rəbl](терпимый) and respectful for the partner; he should be also very gifted in speaking art and perhaps the main thing – person must have a clear head and pointed brain for being able to make quick decisions and resolve disagreements.

As I’ve told before negotiating is much more difficult when we speak about international business partners who both try to achieve their own purposes. In this case negotiations can take more time that it was expected.

Chinese people for instance tend to prolong [prəˈlɔŋ] (продолжать)negotiation for creating a friendly relationship between partners while the Americans try to finish negotiations as quickly as it’s possibly that why these negotiations don’t usually last more than 2 hours. By giving these examples I try to emphasize(акцент,подчеркнуть) the importance of taking in account national characteristics of partners.

At the end of my work I would like to reset the main points of my speech………

Hope my advices about negotiating will be useful for you and will help for you in making business with international partners.

Thank you all for being here today. If you have some questions, I will be happy to answer them.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-03; Прочитано: 291 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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