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Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

I’m so glad to see all of you here today and listening my speech. Hope you will enjoy it. If you have some questions during the speech, I’m glad to answer them at the end.

By the way, the topic of my today’s speech is e-commerce. I would like to say the definition of this phrase, how e-commerce is conducted [kən'dʌkt] and try to explain some important terms, connected with e-commerce, as e-tailers, e-business, World Wide Web and so on. I will start from the definition of e-commerce and its’ tendency for enlarging [ɪn'lɑːdʒ] (увеличиваться, расширяться; усиливаться).

Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or e-Commerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily [ikˈstrɔ:d(ə)n(ə)rəli](необычно удивительно), with widespread Internet usage [ˈju:siʤ](испол.),. The use of commerce is conducted(проводится) in this way, spurring? and drawing ['drɔːɪŋ] on innovations in electronic funds[fʌnd] transfer, supply(снабжение) chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction [træn'zækʃn](сделка) processing, electronic data interchange(электр.обмен данными) (EDI), inventory[ˈinv(ə)nt(ə)ri management systems, and automated[ˈɔ:təmeit] data collection (сбор данных)systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction's lifecycle ['saɪkl](жизн.цикл), although it can encompass [ɪn'kʌmpəs] (охватывать) a wider range(спектр)of technologies such as e-mail as well.

A large percentage [pəˈsentiʤ](%,доля) of electronic commerce is conducted entirely electronically for virtual items ['aɪtəm] (предмет) such as access ['ækses] (доступ) to premium content on a website, but most electronic commerce involves the transportation of physical items in some way. Online retailers are sometimes known as e-tailers and online retail is sometimes known as e-tail. Almost all big retailers have electronic commerce presence ['prezns] (присутствуют) on the World Wide Web. By the way, World Wide Web, abbreviated[ə'briːvɪeɪt] as WWW and commonly known as the Web, is a system of interlinked(связанный) hypertext documents accessed via the Internet.

Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses is referred to as business-to-business or B2B. B2B can be open to all interested people or limited to specific, pre-qualified participants. Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses and consumers, on the other hand, is referred[riˈfə:](назыв.) to as business-to-consumer or B2C. This is the type of electronic commerce conducted by companies such as Amazon.com. Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce where the buyer is directly online to the seller's computer usually via the internet. There is no intermediary service. The sale and purchase [ˈpə:ʧəs](покупка) transaction is completed electronically and interactively [ˌintərˈæktiv] in real-time such as Amazon.com for new books. If an intermediary is present, then the sale and purchase transaction is called electronic commerce such as eBay.com.

Electronic commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect ['æspekt] of e-business. It also consists of the exchange of data to facilitate [fə'sɪlɪteɪt] (способств,) the financing and payment aspects of the business transactions.(сделок)

At the end of my work I would like to reset the main points of my speech……… I would like to say that e-commerce does and will play a huge part in purchasing and selling process. And with the growing role of Internet, the role of e-commerce will increase also.

Thank you all for being here today. If you have some questions, I will be happy to answer them.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-03; Прочитано: 319 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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