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Labour relations

Labour relations is a multidisciplinary field that studies the employment relations. Labour relations usually study just unionized (ю-профсоюз) employment situations, but can also refer to non-union employees as well.

Labour relations has there faces:

• Science building: In science building face, L.R. is part of social sciences. (Researching L.R.) – political science, human resource management.

• Problem solving: In problem solving face, L.R. suks for policies [‘pɑlɪsɪ and institutions to help the employment relationships work better.

• Ethical: In the ethical face, L.R. contains normative principles about workers and the employment relations.

A union contract, also called a “collective bargaining [ˈbɑ: giniŋ] agreement” is a legally treated document that appears to be a hinge(стержень) between employee and employer. It provides details about wages, benefits hours, general working conditions, and procedures for addressing problems on the job. This agreement is negotiated between the labour union and management.

As we are talking about union contract, we must mention the main details of it and minimum wage especially. Minimum wage is the cowest hourly, daily or monthly wage that employers may legally pay to employees and workers. In some countries minimum wage are get monthly like in Russia, in some countries they are set Lourby.? In US for instance minimum wage for 1 hour is 7.25$, in UK – 5,93£.

Working time is the period of time that an individual spends at paid occupational labor. Many countries regulate the work week by law. Majority of countries have adopted a workweek from Monday to Friday noon, but due to religious rules in some countries, like in Israel, it lasts from Sunday to Friday. In Europe the growing predominance [pri’dɔminən (t)s] of 35-37 hour workweek is clearly sun.?

Labour laws is the body of laws, administrative rules and precidents [ˈpresid(ə)nt]? which address the legal rights and restrictions of working people and their organizations. The International Labour Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations that deals with Labour Issues. It was established in 1919, nowadays Leadquarters are in Geneva and Switzerland.

A trade union or labour union is an organization of workess that have joined together to achieve common goals such as better working conditions. Trade unions bargains with employer and negotiates labour contracts.

International Labour Organization, labour laws and trade unions are fighting against violations [ˌvaiə’leiʃ(ə)n] (нарушение)of employment laws, biggest of them are bad working condition, unpaid working time and unfair dismissal. [dis’mis(ə)l](несправед увольнение)

First and violations must be understood well, but what is unfair dismissal? This term is used to describe an employer’s action when firing an employees. Nowadays, these is a set of organization and rules that help employees to defend(защищать) themselves in the working sphere, like European trade Union confederation, International trade union confederation, trade union advisory(совещател, консультативн)committee.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-03; Прочитано: 353 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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