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Setting up business

Thousands of people set up their own businesses every year. Some do it because they want to work for themselves, others because they have a great idea and have spotted a gap in the market. And of course there are those that think they can make lots of money.

These are all valid [ˈvælid] (веский)reasons for starting a business. Commitment [kə’mitmənt] (обязательство)and motivation are vital and whatever it is that drives you to make it a success good.

Although enthusiasm is important, good planning is a must. Without a good business plan you could struggle [strʌgl](бороться) to make a go of it.

There are many issues to think about:

- What will the business do?

- Where can it operate?

- Will I need premises?

- Do I need people to make it happen, or will

- I will be flying solo for some time?

- Can I fund [fʌnd] the business myself, or do I need financial support?

- How long will it take to get the business into profit(прибыль)?

- Have I got what it takes to make it work?

There is no right or wrong type of person to run a business. If you are determined [di’tə:mind] (решил определил)to make it succeed, and are prepared to work long hours, then you have the ingredients for success.

If you look at top business people, the one thing they have in common is determination. They do not give up at the first hurdle [ˈhə:dl] and they keep going until they succeed.

Setting up the business can be successfully done just if preparational steps were taken in account.

These steps include research on the marketing or business target, structure and name of the future company, business planning which is connected with the taxes, accounting, credits,sales; employing staff, advertising, technology is another field for the beginner in the business to think about. If the business is set in a foreign, but not in domestic, it means that national characteristics and all distinctive [dis’tiŋktiv] features(отличительная черта) of inhabitants [in’hæbit(ə)nts](житель) must be taken in account.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-03; Прочитано: 267 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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