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Marketing. Marketing is a term given to all the different activities intended to make and attract a profitable demand [di’mɑ: Nd] (спрос)for a product

Marketing is a term given to all the different activities intended to make and attract a profitable demand [di’mɑ: Nd] (спрос)for a product. Marketing is the process of performing market research, selling products and/or services to customers and promoting them via advertising to further [Fə: də](дальнейшего) enhance [ɪn'hɑ ː нс] (увелич)sales. Marketing is used to identify [Aɪ the customer, to satisfy the customer, and to keep the customer. This involves:

· identifying consumer needs and wants in order to de’velop the product ( market research (focus groups are set to carry out a detailed study of the market and identifying the target audience)– directed on better understanding of the needs and desires of each segment of consumers (if the market is fragmented [fræg’mentid](разбитый на куски) – many different types of consumers that buy the same product) )

· setting the price ( low price strategy, decreasing the number of suppliers while integrating survivors [sə’vaivə](уцелевшие) )

· deciding on the best place to sell (with close proximity to raw materials(сырье) and suppliers as well as two the target audience)

· deciding on how best to promote the product ( PR-campaigns (black), creating astro-turf groups in case of environmental resistance in the host country)

This four factors are often referred(упоминается) to as “The Four Ps” or the marketing mix.

Recent approaches in marketing include relationship marketing with focus on the customer, business marketing or industrial marketing with focus on an organization or institution and social marketing with focus on benefits to society [sə'saɪətɪ]. New forms of marketing also use the internet and are therefore called internet marketing or more generally e-marketing, online marketing.

PR public relations companies are now widely used to monitor [ˈmɔnitə] industry critics by infiltrating [ˈinfiltreit] (проникая)their meetings (often in the guise [gaiz](облик) of "housewives") or posing [pəuz] as journalists to gain previews of hostile [ˈhɔstail] (вражеский)research.

The main aim of any marketing campaign is to come up with a strategy which would put a company clearly ahead of their competition by differentiating the brand I the eyes of consumers. Another aim could be – business expansion or developing a new brand image.

As more and more industries are making products specifically adapted to particular segments of the market, market researchers(исследователи) are being asked to conduct studies and compile [kəm’pail] (собирать,накапливать)more detailed profile of consumer goods. Broad (широкий)classifications based on sex, age and social class are not sufficient(достаточными) for companies operating in highly competitive [kəm’petitiv]. Questionnaires are carefully designed to determine [di’tə: мин] (определить)the exact needs and demands of consumers as well as establishing what effects consumer buying decisions when they choose one product instead of another. Advertising campaigns can then be targeted to appeal [ə’pi: L] (призыв)to the identified target audience. Finally, marketing people must monitor(контролировать) the success of the campaign and modify [ˈmɔdifai] (изменять, подправлять)it if necessary. It’s very important not to annoy customers during such research (that can make him change the ‘preferences and turn to competitors) – the list of questions shouldn’t be too long and the focus group too pushy [ˈpuʃi](нахальный; назойливый;).

Direct mail marketing involves sending publicity material to people directly by mail. It’s highly successful for selling magazine subscriptions, insurance [in’ʃuər(ə)n t)s] and financial services. The letters contain:

· a very personalized first sentence designed to ensure that the reader continues reading

· a persuasive [pə’sweisiv](убедительный) and clear sales message, adapted to a specific market segment

· direct and convincing language, intending to appeal to the chosen audience

Дата публикования: 2015-02-03; Прочитано: 1262 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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