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Role Play. 9.9.3 Enact in English with roles on the theme "Lawyers' Study", using Fig

9.9.3 Enact in English with roles on the theme "Lawyers' Study", using Fig. 9.

Situation: an experienced barrister, a member of Barrister's «Bar, holds talks with a group of graduates from Law College of Oxford University who are preparing to pass one of special examinations of the Law Society to be ranked solicitors. The talk is of easy nature in order to clarify the comprehension of some points of law.

Play participants: (SJD) Mr Daniel King, member of Barrister's Bar,

Doctor of Judicial Science (доктор права)

lawyers-graduates (юристи-випускники) from Law College of Oxford University: Catherine Rosen

Mary Fletch

George Mitchell

Jacob Benson

Taking part in the play as acting characters, you can add, evolve (develop) or specify any statement of the young lawyers, in particular:

a) Mr Daniel King, "I'd like to hear your opinion on a number of ques­tions, which are of professional interest:

Fig. 9 Lawyers' Study

- How do you appreciate (оцінюєте) the efficiency of rendering privileged or free legal aid (надання пільгової чи безкоштовної юридичної допомоги)?

- Is the increasing practice of prisoners on parole/put on probation (умовно-дострокового звільнення ув'язнених) proved or not?

- Don't you think there is some pressure from the executive branch on the judiciary?...

- Is the established practice of some solicitors dealing with certain types of criminal cases proved or not from your viewpoint? (їхня спеціалізація, ведення кримінальних справ визначеного виду, як убивства, пограбування...)

- Does the established (сформована) situation of getting barrister and solicitor's rank suit you?"

b) Carrie Rosen, "I'd express my opinion on all mentioned questions, and I want everybody to participate, but we know you are pressed for time. That's why I'll express my opinion on the first problem. Privi­leged or free legal aid has been rendered for about ten years in England and Scotland yet. It's impossible to overestimate its effectiveness. Only within the last year the legal aid in carrying on 145,000 civil and 42,000 criminal cases was rendered by solicitors and barristers. Under the recommendation of the Legal Aid Board (Рада по юридичній допомозі) to the poor 17 most experienced barristers took part in a number of most spectacular (голосних) trials. I consider it a great pub-

lie achievement. I also appreciate the work of the special legal aid fund, from which the payments of lawyers are made."

c) Mary Fletch speaks about prisoners on probation, "I am in two minds (двояка думка, почуття). Although, according to statistical data, only in 17 out of 100 such releases people on probation commit repeated crimes. I think, not everything is quite safe here.

In my opinion, it's necessary to evolve (доробити, розвити) an acting law, to make the commissions' activities tougher, to engage experts-psychiatrists in a number of cases..."

d) George Mitchell, "The question of the executive branch pressure on the judiciary (I mean judges, barristers, solicitors, jurors...) is a very difficult one. To my mind, it shows itself openly nowhere (це ніде не виявляється відкрито)...

Though sometimes in connection with spectacular trials upon drug-dealers and big financial speculations some mean facts are risen to the surface in press... But nevertheless to consider it a phenomenon is too early (передчасно)..."

e) Jacob Benson, "I think, reasonable (розумна) specialization is proved, because a lawyer can gain great experience...

But at the same time it's simply inadmissible to concentrate on a cer­tain type of criminal cases (e. g. embezzlements only) — one can lose his qualifications...

As far as the training system of both solicitors and barristers is con­cerned, it is rather complicated, but it fully proves itself... We'll pass exams and have a two-year practice and then we will ask you to meet us again..."


Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 245 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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