Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã Ãëàâíàÿ | Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà | Êîíòàêòû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!  

Look through the sentences and choose the correct variant totransform them into indirect speech

1.Bob said, “Which House is more powerful, the House of Lords or the House of Commons?” – Bob asked me which … more powerful, the House of Lords or the House of Commons.

a) Houses is; b) is House; c) House was; d) was House.

2.Ann said, “How do members of the legislature vote in your country?” – Ann asked me how …members of legislature … in our country.

a) did, vote; b) -, voted; c) had, voted; d) would, vote.

3.He asked, “What will you do if you need a barrister in the High Court?” – He wondered what … if I … a barrister in the High Court.

a) I should do, needed; b) should I do, needed, c) I shall do, needed; d) I should do, need.

4.The judge asked the prisoner if he wasn’t ashamed to be seen in the court so often. –Prisoner: “Your Honour, I think it is a very respectable place.” – The prisoner answered that he … a very respectable place.

a) thinks it is; b) thought it is; c) thought it should be; d) thought it was.

5.The police officer said to her, “Don’t drive too fast.” – The police officer … too fast.

a) told her not to drive; b) said her not to drive; c) told her not drive; d) told her don’t drive.

6.They said to me, “Coordinate your efforts to produce good relations with the community.” - They advised me … my efforts to produce good relations with the community.

a) coordinated; b) coordinate; c) to coordinate; d) I would coordinate.

7.I said, “Will they release the person with or without bail?” – I was interested … the person with or without bail.

a) if they would release; b) would they release; c) if would they release; d) if they released.

8.The student asked, “Do solicitors pass the same examinations as barristers?” - The student asked … solicitors … the same examinations as barristers.

a) did, pass; b) if, passed; c) do, pass; d) id, would pass.

9.The businessman said, “We advertised for a night watchman and the next night we were robbed.” - The businessman said that they … for a night watchman and the following night they ….

a) advertised, had been robbed; b) had advertised, had robbed, c) had advertised, had been robbed; d) had advertised, were robbed.

10.The thief said, “I stole the money.” - The thief admitted that he … the money.

a) stolen; b) stole; c) has stolen; d) had stolen.

11.The said, “I have just arrived from London.” - The said that he … from London.

a) has just arrived; b) has just arrive; c) had just arrive; d) had just arrived

12.The policeman said to him, “Don’t cross the street under the red light.” - The policeman ordered him … the street under the red light.

a) not to cross; b) not cross; c) don’t cross; d) don’t to cross.

13.The judge said to her, “Don’t fail to appear in court!” - The judge warned her … in court.

a) don’t fail to appear; b) not fail to appear; c) not to fail to appear; d) not to fail appear.

14.She said to him, “Don’t employ this person!” - She ordered him … that person.

a) not to employ; b) not employ; c) don’t to employ; d) don’t employ.

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2015-01-13; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 377 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

studopedia.org - Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã - 2014-2024 ãîä. Ñòóäîïåäèÿ íå ÿâëÿåòñÿ àâòîðîì ìàòåðèàëîâ, êîòîðûå ðàçìåùåíû. Íî ïðåäîñòàâëÿåò âîçìîæíîñòü áåñïëàòíîãî èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ (0.006 ñ)...