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Transform the following sentences into indirect speech

1.He said to me,”The measures taken by the Government prevent crime.”

2.They said,”The guilty were convicted by the court.”

3. She announced,”Different kinds of offences are reflected in Crime Statistics.”

4.He stated,”The Common Law offences had been codified by 1986.”

5.They informed,”The Police in Manchester have just notified a serious offence at the stadium.”

6.She said,”The offences have just been classified by the police service in London.”

7.The policeman said,”The Police office is investigating the latest robbery.”

8.They said,”The Government and Parliament encourage and will be encouraging the development of crime prevention schemes.”

9.He stated,”The Government will affect clear-up rates for violence against the per­son at a larger scale next year.”

10.2 First Reading of the Text "Branches of Power in Ukraine." (Skimming Reading) (Text 1.5)

Knowledge on political system of Ukraine you, probably, gained at your special lectures on this subject or studied this question inde­pendently.

Read the text quickly and try to understand what it is about and what information is of primary importance or new to you.

Write down the law terms, known to you, in Ukrainian.

Write a list of international words used in the text. Use your dictionary to check their exact meaning.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 292 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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