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Reading for General Understanding. 7.6.1 Check the comprehension of the text "Children in Trouble" by listening to each question and choosing the answer

7.6.1 Check the comprehension of the text "Children in Trouble" by listening to each question and choosing the answer, which you think, is correct.

1. Children between the ages of 10 and 17 may be brought before a court.

a) no, it is not so, the age ranges from 15 up to 18;

b) no, it is not true, the age ranges from 9 up to 18;

c) yes, it is true, children may be charged and brought before a juve­nile court.

2. A local authority may bring a child of any age under the age of 17 to a ju­venile court in a procedure, known as care proceedings.

a) to such a procedure a local authority may bring a child at the age from 1 up to 12;

b) yes, it is true, if a juvenile court suspects that he or she is in moral danger or beyond the control of his or her parents;

c) a local authority decides this question consulting the police.

3. Under a care order a local authority becomes responsible for deciding where the child should be accommodated.

a) it is a matter of the public and the police service;

b) it is a matter of the health service and the police;

c) a local authority is responsible for it, it may allow him or her to re­main at home under supervision or place him or her with foster parents or in a voluntary or community home.

4. The authority must review each care order every six months.

a) a care order is reviewed once a year;

b) a care order is not reviewed until the child under care reaches 18 or 19;

с) a care order is normally reviewed every six months and the authority must consider whether an application should be made to the court " to end it.

5. Under a supervision order (which may remain in force for not more than three years) a child normally lives at home under the supervision of a so­cial worker.

a) in case a supervision order is in force for over a year a child must be placed in a community home;

b) in case a supervision order is in force less than two years the court must attach a probation officer to the child;

c) yes, it is true, a child normally lives at home under the supervision of a social worker or a probation officer.

6. Payment of fines, compensation or costs incurred by juvenile offenders is normally the responsibility of their parents or guardians.

a) in criminal proceedings the courts may not order payment of com­pensation;

b) there are special public funds to compensate costs incurred by juve­nile offenders

c) the courts put the responsibility of paying fines, compensation or costs incurred by juvenile offenders on their parents or guardians.

7. Offenders aged 16 may be ordered to perform up to 120 hours of commu­nity service.

a) offenders aged 14 may be ordered to perform up to 120 hours of community service;

b) offenders aged 16 may be ordered to perform up to 200 hours of community service;

c) yes, it is true.

8. Boys aged between 14 and 16, for whom a non-custodial sentence would not be appropriate, may be sent to a young offender institution.

a) yes, it is true. For boys aged 14 the period at the institution for young offenders is from six months up to a year;

b) yes, it is true, and it refers only to those boys who are at the age of 16, with the period at a young offender institution of not more than 4 months;

c) for those aged 14 the period is between three weeks and four months and for those aged 15 or 16 the maximum is 12 months.

9. In Scotland prosecution of children in court is rare.

a) no, it is not like that; children may be prosecuted there at the age of 8;

b) it is really so; children are rarely prosecuted, and prosecution of children in court can take place only at the age of 14;

c) yes, it is true; children can be prosecuted only where the offence is of serious nature or only as instructed by the Lord Advocate.

10. In Scotland children under 16 (or in certain circumstances those aged under 18 if subject to a supervision requirement) who have committed an offence may be brought before a children's hearing.

a) it is not true, their offences are considered by local police authori­ties;

b) yes, it is true, the hearing is held by three lay people for each region or islands area and they determine compulsory measures of care and the form they should take;

c) all the matters concerning children's offences are decided by local authorities.

11. In Northern Ireland children between the ages of 10 and 13 who are charged with a criminal offence may be brought before a juvenile court.

a) in Northern Ireland children's offences at this age is a matter of concern of the public;

b) the young offenders' problems under the age of 13 is a matter of concern of the chief of the local police service;

c) children between the ages of 10 and 13 and young persons between the ages of 14 and 16 who are charged with a criminal offence may be brought before a juvenile court.

12. A juvenile court may decide to place a child found guilty in the care of a fit person.

a) normally, the court is not confined to such decisions;

b) the decision about the care is the responsibility of a local authority;

c) yes, it is true, in addition children found guilty may be placed under supervision or on probation, ordered to attend a day attendance centre (Belfast only) or sent to a training school.

7.6.2 Pick out from the text "Children in Trouble" all the word combinations with the following words (terms) and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

- proceedings - fine

- care - to attend (v); attendance (n)

- responsible (adj); responsibility (n) - to detente (v); detention (n)

- offence - hearing

- to supervise (v); supervision (n) - to require (v); requirements (n)

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