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7.1.4 Look through the table to see the usage and the way of translating the construction "for + N + the Infinitive".

7.1.1 Look through the table to see the construction "The Objective Infinitive Construction" and pay attention to the way of translating it.

Subject + Predicate + Object + Infinitive = Complex Object
Subject Object Infinitive The decision of the court obliges the authority to place the child in a community home. Рішення суду ставить за обов'язок владі помістити дитину в дитячий будинок (школу-інтернат).
Object + Infinitive = The Objective Infinitive Construction
7.1.2 Look through the table to see the construction "The Subjective Infinitive Construction" and pay attention to the way of translating it.  
Subject + Predicate + Infinitive = Complex Subject
This voung inmate is known to have spent three months in custody. Відомо, що молодий правопорушник провів три місяці під вартою.
Subject + Infinitive = The Subjective Infinitive Construction

7.1.3 Translate the following sentences, paying attention to Complex Object and Complex Subject.

1. The data proved (appeared, seemed, happened, turned out) to be wrong.

2. The problem is considered to be complicated.

3. He is unlikely (to be likely, to be sure, to be certain) to be present here.

4. Young offenders are seen to train under a supervisor.

5. The court is unlikely to give a different sentence.

6. The young offender is said to have been brought to court.

7. Under a supervision order a child is required to comply with direc­tions made by the court itself.

8. A local authority is known to be responsible for deciding where the child should be accommodated.

9. The court allowed him to remain at home.

10. The juvenile court wants this child to have a guardian.

11. A local authority prefers the child to remain at home under supervision or place him or her with foster parents or in a community home.

12. The panel does not want the child to remand so long.

13. The girl is considered to be in need of care and protection.

14. The child is likely to attend under a supervisor a day or an evening centre.

7.1.4 Look through the table to see the usage and the way of translating the construction "for + N + the Infinitive".

For + NOUN + the Infinitive
The Bill was too complicated Законопроект. був занадто and intricate for Parliament складним і заплутаним для того, to approve it after the first щоб Парламент затвердив reading. (схвалив) його в першому читанні.

7.1.4 (1) Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the construction "for-Phrase".

1. The matter was too difficult for the solicitor to clarify it within a day.

2. The judge announced the sentence for the paper correspondents to hear him.

3. The matter, examined in court, was too difficult for the jury to reach their verdict unanimously.

4. The policeman let the person go for him not to break the curfew (комендантська година).

5. The judge waited for the policeman to close the door.

7.2 First Reading of the Text "Children in Trouble"

(Skimming Reading) (Text 7.5)

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 365 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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