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Oral Practice. 7.8.1 Answer the questions on the text "Children in Trouble"

7.8.1 Answer the questions on the text "Children in Trouble".

1. What is the age of criminal responsibility for children in England and Wales?

2. What kind of court are young offenders brought before?

3. In what events may a local authority bring a child to a procedure known as care proceedings?

4. May a juvenile court make a care order or a supervision order? What is this procedure like?

5. What is the responsibility of a local authority when the court decides to make a care order?

6. What kinds of children are placed in community homes?

7. What is the procedure of a care order review like?

8. What actions may be exercised when a child who is already under a care order commits a further offence?

9. What is meant by a programme of 'intermediate treatment'?

10. What power does the court have (the court's supervisor or the local authority's supervisor)?

11. May the courts grant a conditional or absolute discharge in criminal proceedings?

12. What can you say about different ways of punishing boys, young of­fenders, at the age between 14 and 16?

13. What do you know about girls, young offenders, at the age between 14 and 16?

14. What is the age of criminal responsibility in Scotland?

15. What is the practice of considering offences like committed by chil­dren under 16 in Scotland?

16. Who decides whether a child should come before a hearing?

17. What are the sheriffs functions when considering disputable ques­tions?

18. What is the youngest age of criminal responsibility in Northern Ire­land?

19. What decisions can a juvenile court make in Northern Ireland?

20. What is the responsibility of children's parents found guilty in North­ern Ireland?

7.8.2 Read the text "Welfare in Prisons" and make comments on it.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 474 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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