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Prison Industries, Physical Education and Education

Prison industries aim to give inmates work experience which will as­sist them when released and to secure a return which will reduce the cost of the prison system. The main industries are clothing and textile manu­facture, engineering, woodwork, laundering, farming and horticulture. Most production caters for internal needs and for other public services. A few prisoners are employed outside prison. Small payments are made for work; in some prisons, schemes provide an opportunity for higher earnings on the basis of output and skill.

Education is financed by the prison service and staffed by local edu­cation authorities. In every establishment the education officer is assisted by a team of teachers. Education is compulsory, full-time, for young of­fenders below school-leaving age. For older offenders it is voluntary. Some prisoners study for public examinations (including those of the Open University). Within the resources available there is an adult educa­tion curriculum. Library facilities, provided through the local public li­brary authority, are available in all establishments. Vocational training courses are taught by civilian instruction officers. Physical education is voluntary for adult offenders but compulsory for young offenders. Some 50 per cent of prisons have purpose-built physical education facilities while all but two of the remainder use gymnasia converted from other buildings.

Education in Northern Ireland prisons is traditionally an evening ac­tivity, but governors may and do permit prisoners who need help in basic education and those preparing for public examinations to spend part of their working week on educational pursuits. Recently, the distance-learn­ing mode of study has been introduced in a wide range of subjects, less­ening the need for evening classes. Prison education is provided by full-time and part-time staff. A wide range of educational and vocational training facilities, from remedial education to Open University level, is available.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 765 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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