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Role Play. 3.9.2 Enact in English with roles on the theme "Crime or Unpleasant Incident?"

3.9.2 Enact in English with roles on the theme "Crime or Unpleasant Incident?".

Situation: There is an unpleasant incident in a shop's hall, which re­quires the police interference. Two women nearly grasped each other. One of them states she had a purse with a considerable sum of money stolen. The policeman needs to investigate this unpleasant case urgently.

Play participants: Jim Winstain, policeman

Mrs Gletchmond

Mrs Jenkin

Mr O'Neal and his son Gregory, witnesses

Taking part in the play as acting characters discuss possible versions (actions) of the people present during the incident/the crime, acting on their behalf, in particular:

a) Jim Winstain, the policeman, making an investigation, interrogates both ladies and under their demand registers their statements in the protocol. He is listening to witness Mr O'Neal who is standing nearby and is interested in 12-year-old Gregory's opinion, also noting down his evidence in the protocol. Then he identifies/does not identify both ladies. Having decided it is most probably an unpleasant incident, he asks the ladies to go away... or thinking additional investigation is nec­essary he asks/obliges the ladies and the witness to come to the police station by the appointed time, the purse with its contents as material evidence, according to the inventory, being withdrawn.

b) Mrs Gletchmond insists on the fact that a purse with a considerable sum of money was stolen from her by Mrs Jenkin who was watching

Fig. 3 Crime or Unpleasant Incident?

and tracing her in the shop all the time (as it seems to her), and when Mrs Gletchmond did notice the lack of the purse she simply put it stealthily, and now she screams she herself had a lot of money. She asks policeman Winstain to detain and arrest the thief.

c) Mrs Jenkin considers Mrs Gletchmond incurably ill, neurotic, suffer­ing from mania of pursuit and asks the policeman to call the ambu­lance.

d) Witness O'Neal saw these two women moving in the shop along ap­proximately the same rout; but in fact, they bought nothing. In his opinion, Mrs Gletchmond did not produce the purse, and he cannot imagine how it could lie on the floor.

e) Gregory adds he heard some dull sound and thinks that a screaming in anger woman, probably, had her bag torn?..


Criminal Courts (Part І)

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 305 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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