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Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the Absolute Participle Construction

1.The weather being fine, we went for a walk.

2.The work done, they went home.

3.We investigated the case, with the data being collected.

4.The play being boring, the audience left the house.

5.The scene being horrifying, we left the place at once.

6.The decision to prosecute being generally delegated to the Chief Crown Prosecutors, some cases are dealt with by the headquarters of the Service.

7.The police and other law enforcement agencies investigate crimes and offences, with the procurator fiscal deciding whether or not to prose­cute, subject to the directions of Crown Counsel.

8.The day being fine, we decided to go swimming.

4.2 First Reading of the Text "Criminal Courts"

(Skimming Reading) (Text 4.5)

Read the text quickly and try to understand what it is about and what information is already known to you.

Write down the law terms, known to you, in Ukrainian.

Write a list of international words, used in the text. Use your dictionary to check their exact meaning.

4.2.4 Find in the text the sentence about establishing a government department in the "Serious Fraud Office".

Scanning Reading

4.3.1 Read the text "Criminal Courts" again.

Pick out an idea or a phrase, which you think is most informative or most interesting, from each part of text 4.5.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 479 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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