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Oral Practice. 3.8.1 Answer the questions on the texts "Common Services", "Powers of Arrest", "Detention

3.8.1 Answer the questions on the texts "Common Services", "Powers of Arrest", "Detention, Treatment and Questioning".

1. Which common services are there in England and Wales provided by central government and by arrangements between forces?

2. In what way is centralized police training exercised in Scotland?

3. What is meant by certain special services held throughout Britain?

4. How are scientific aids and a national police computer used in all ar­eas of police work?

5. How may arrests be made in England and Wales?

6. May the police arrest a person without a warrant? And if yes, in what way?

7. What is known to you about the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984?

8. Can arrest be made without a warrant for the protection of the public?

9. What can you say about a code of practice on detention, treatment and questioning?

10. What rights does an arrested person have in accordance with a statute?

11. Which actions can the police take when a person has been arrested in connection with a serious arrestable offence, but has not yet been charged (with that offence)?

12. May questions relating to an offence normally not be put to a person after he or she has been charged with that offence?

13: What does the detention scheme in the Police and Criminal Evidence

Act provide for? 14. In what cases must a person under the detention scheme be released immediately?

3.8.2 Read and listen to the text "Charging" and make comments on it.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 348 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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