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Reading for General Understanding. 3.6.1 Check the comprehension of the texts "Common Services", "Powers of Arrest"

3.6.1 Check the comprehension of the texts "Common Services", "Powers of Arrest", "Detention, Treatment and Questioning" by listening to each question and choosing the answer, which you think, is correct.

1. In Scotland the main common services cover centralized police training.

a) yes, it is true;

b) centralized police training in Scotland is exercised through business trips, to cenralized police services of England;

c) in Scotland centralized police training is not exercised at all.

2. Is the use of scientific aids widespread in all areas of police -work?

a) it is maintained only to investigate the most complicated cases;

b) yes, it is true:

c) the use of scientific aids is exercised according to the Head of the Police Service

3. In England and Wales arrests may be made with or without a warrant.

a) not in any case; any arrest may be made with a special warrant;

b) arrests may be made according to the local Head of the Police Service;

c) arrests may be made with or without a warrant issued by a magis­trate.

4. The police may arrest a person without a warrant for the protection of the public.

a) it has never been exercised in England and Wales;

b) it may be made under the arrest scheme established by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984;

c) a person can be arrested if even everything is known about him but the police are not sure if he can be brought before a court.

5. The Home Secretary has issued a code of practice on detention, treatment and questioning under the 1984 Act.

a) it was issued, but in 1979;

b) the code was issued by Parliament;

c) this important code was issued by the Home Secretary in 1984 un­der the 1984 Act and it is strictly observed by the Police Service.

6. An arrested person has a statutory right to consult a solicitor.

a) to consult a solicitor is possible only after he or she has been charged;

b) yes, it is true; -

c) one has a right to consult a solicitor only under the permission of the Head of the Police Service.

7. The police must caution a person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence.

a) it is done by the police but in very rare cases;

b) yes, it is common practice;

c) the police may caution a person only at the solicitor's request.

8. Questions relating to an offence may normally not be put to a person after he or she has been charged with that offence or informed that he or she may be prosecuted for it.

a) such questions may normally be put to a person no matter whether he or she may be prosecuted for it or not;

b) these questions may be put only in case if he is to be brought before a court;

c) only after he or she has been charged such questions may not be put to a person.

9. The detention scheme in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act provides for a person to be detained only up to a maximum of 96 hours.

a) yes, it is true, by law before charge;

b) no, a person can be detained only 48 hours;

c) the detention scheme provides for a person to be detained from 120 up to 150 hours depending on the seriousness of arrest.

10. A person can only be detained beyond 36 hours if a warrant is obtained from a magistrates' court.

a) detention is foreseen by a warrant obtained from a magistrates' court;

b) detention may be as long as 72 hours in this case;

c) detention may be increased up to 7 days.

3.6.2 Pick out from the texts "Common Services", "Powers of Arrest",

"Detention, Treatment and Questioning" all the word combinations with the following words (terms) and give their Russian equivalents.

- police - to provide for

- arrest; to arrest - warrant

- evidence - offence

- protection - detention

- questioning - code

- investigation - charge

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