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«A» Level 1992 English Literature

(advanced) French

HND Business Studies 1995

Pitmans Typing and Shorthand 1992

RSA Shorthand 100 wpm 1994


1995 – 1996 Personal Secretary to

Marketing Manager

of Universal Toys in


1996 Personal Assistant to

Finance Director

of EMF in Croydon

Interests: Squash, tennis,

reading, traveling


1. Read the conversation

Nick Armstrong is the Sales Director of Software Company. He is talking to his boss, John Brad.

N: Our sales have risen by ten per cent this quarter.

J: Do you think that’s good news?

N: Well, it’s better than last quarter.

J: Have you seen all the figures, Nick?

N: Yes, I have.

J: Have you studied them carefully?

N: Yes, of course, I have.

J: Then perhaps you’ve noticed that our main competitor has increased sales by a hundred per cent this quarter. How do you explain it?

N: Well, we’ve had some problems with our distributors and …

J: That isn’t an explanation. That’s an excuse.

N: Please, let me finish. I was going to …

J: For me, a twenty per cent increase at a time like this is very bad news.

N: Yes, I know. Sales have been disappointing, but it’s a good product. I think there are two reasons for poor sales.

J: Yes? What do you think the first reason is?

N: Our product isn’t very user-friendly. It takes too long to learn how to use it?

J: And what is the other reason?

N: The user manual is not clear enough. Not in the French translation, at least.

J: Hmm, I see. So, how do you think we can increase sales?

2. Focus your attention on the words and expressions you could use in business talks:

distributor – распространитель, оптовик

to increase sales by … per cent – увеличить сбыт на … процентов

main competitor – основной конкурент

to study the figures carefully – проанализировать цифровые данные

reason for – причина чего - либо

user-friendly – учитывающий возможности потребителя

user manual – руководство пользователя

3. Talk about the sales problems in your company.

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