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Module Control 4

Units 7 – 8

Assignment 1. Find out the adverbial clauses in the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. Unless you call once more, I shall inform our manager. 2. His remarks were so imprudent that we found it hard to keep quite. 3. We should always discuss all in detail before we make right decision. 3. As he is one of our most celebrated person, his name should be remembered by all in our company. 4. I shall give you my notes so that you can pass your final test. 5. If I had been rich, I would have lent him some money. 6. Our manager went abroad to Canada in order to practice his English. 7. Put down the address lest you should forget it.

Assignment 2. Translate into English using adverbial clauses of manner, time and place:

1. We shall finish the project when (коли ми повернемось з відрядження). 2. (Поки ви будете обговорювати це питання), they will be reporting at the meeting. 3. The chief accountant will give instructions about the tender as soon as (він отримає всі документи). 4. I remember the points of the contract as if (я щойно прочитав його). 5. (Куди б ми не приїздили) we were welcome cordially. 6. He described the market situation in Poland as if (він побував там особисто). 7. They sent the goods to the warehouse (як тільки його було відвантажено).

Assignment 3. Find out and define the adverbial clauses in the following sentences. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Unless you finish the project in time, I shall inform our chief. 2. This student worked hard so that he might win the scholarship. 3. Our secretary will give you the documents so that you can sign them in time. 4. Since our new partner has expressed his regrets, we shall take no further action against him. 5. The director was invited to the exposition in order to show him how wonderfully everything had been organized. 6. We are very glad that you like our new production mix. 7. As I could not find the sales manager, I left a message with the secretary. 8. People eat that they may live.

Assignment 4. Compose your own sentences using the following conjunctions. Mind the adverbial clauses:

so that; in order that; lest; as if; since; provided that; so long as; whenever; till; when; as soon as; before; whether.

Assignment 5. Write the following words in normal English script. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words:

1. [in´geidʒ] 5. [´dʒΛstifai]

2. [sΛb´sidjəri] 6. [in´vaiərənmənt]

3. [´t∫ælindʒ] 7. [ə´prout∫]

4. [´kwoutə] 8. [ə´laiəns]

1. Managers operating in an international environment deal with a variety of unique.... 2.International marketers must have a profound awareness of the foreign.... 3. International management is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling in organizations... in international business. 4. Joint ventures and strategic... are often appropriate when outside resources are needed. 5. Direct ownership of foreign divisions or... is the strongest commitment to international marketing. 6. There is currently much debateover selecting a managerial... for a multinational enterprise. 7. Multinational legal environment that includes laws and regulations dealing with taxes, tariffs... and copyrights. 8. If foreign marketing opportunities... the risk will a company go to the expense of adapting the marketing mix?

Assignment 6. Translate into English:

1. Доповідач говорила так, ніби вона знала це питання досконало.

2. Ви можете взяти ці документи додому, при умові що ви повернете їх вчасно 3. Після того як угоду було підписано, партнери поїхали на підприємство. 4. Секретар записала номер телефону клієнта, щоб не забути його. 5. Ми не мали від нього ніяких новин з тих пір як він поїхав закордон. 6. Оскільки ви закінчили свою роботу, ви можете бути вільні до середи. 7. Коли партнери приїхали в порт, товари відвантажувались на судно. 8. Голова ради директорів довіряв секретарю як самому собі. 9. Ми можемо відправити ваше замовлення в грудні якщо ви заплатите заздалегідь. 10. Все це трапилось тоді, коли ми були у відрядженні.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 598 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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