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Above-the-line promotion is promotion in the media in which the advertiser pays an advertising agency to place the ad.


Below-the-line promotion is the type of promotion which places in leaflets, sponsorship, product placement, and others non-media tools.


Consumer is a person who buys and uses goods or services to satisfy his or her needs and wants.

Corporate advertising is a kind of advertising concerned mostly with the brand image, or picture, a company wants to present to the public.

Corporate communications is messages deal with issue management, mergers and acquisitions, litigation etc.

Customers/ clients are people who buy the products of a particular company.


Direct mail is a kind of advertising which is focused upon targeting consumers based upon database.

Distinct market challenger is the firm with the second-largest market share. Market challengers can either attempt to attack the leader, or to increase their market share by attacking various market followers.


Foreign exchange rate is the value of a country’s currency relative to other currencies.


Geocentric manager is a kind of manager who recognizes similarities as well as differences among countries. Such managers attempt to draw in the most effective techniques and practices, wherever they originate.


Industrial advertising is advertising from manufacturers to other manufacturers.

Institutional advertising is advertising designed to create an attractive image for an organization.

International management is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling in organizations engaged in international business.

International marketing is marketing activities that are performed to compete beyond the domestic market.


Market leader is the firm with the largest market share. This is often the first company to have entered the field, or at least the first to have succeeded in it.

Marcom managers are those who practice advertising, branding, direct marketing, sales, sales promotion and online marketing

Marketing is the term given to all the different activities intended to make and attract a profitable demand for a product.

MC (Marketing Communication) is messages and related media used to communicate with a market.

Market followers is the majority of companies in any industry. Market followers concentrate on market segmentation: finding a profitable niche in the market that is not satisfied by other goods and services

Marketing intelligence is a constant stream of data from many sources, many of them unplanned.

Marketing research is a formal system for gathering information to learn about specific problems and occurs only periodically.


Personal selling is the face-to-face presentation and promotion of products and services plus the searching out prospects and follow-up service.

- is face-to-face communication and does not go through a medium; thus it is not advertising.

Polycentric manager is a kind of manager who sees all countries as different and as hard to understand.

Promotion mix is the various tools firms use to promote (advertising, selling, public relations, publicity, sales promotion, word-of-mouth)

Public relations (PR) are defined as a management function that evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or an organization with a public interest, and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance.

- is deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics.

- is a set of management, supervisory, and technical functions that foster an organization’s ability to strategically listen to, appreciate, and respond to those persons whose mutually beneficial relationships with the organization are necessary if it is to achieve its mission and values.

PR department is a department in an organization that has explicit responsibility for listening to the public.

Publicity is any information about an individual, a product, or an organization that is distributed to the public through the media, and publicity release describing the new product and how it works and send it to the various media.

- is the spreading of information to gain public awareness for a product, person, service, cause or organization, and can be seen as a result of effective PR planning.


Retail advertising is advertising to customers by various retail stores such as supermarkets, shoe stores, etc.


Sales promotion is one part of the promotion mix which consists of those marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer interest by means of such things as displays, exhibitions, and contests.

Sponsorship is a kind of promotion, where an organization pays to be associated with a particular event, cause or image.


Trade advertising is advertising to wholesalers and retailers by manufacturers to encourage them to carry their products.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 853 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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