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Exercise 15. Put the given verbs in brackets in the right form. Mind

the adverb clause of manner:

1. The building is quite as though nobody … (be) inside. 2. Don’t talk to the applicant as if he … (be) a child. 3. As it … (be) stated on the manual, you should turn off the machine before cleaning it. 4. He walked into the study as if he … (be) blind. 5. Don’t look at me as though it … (be) my fault. 6. The room was very messy as if there … (be) a bomb explosion. 7. The Italian partner acts as if he … (do not) know me.

Exercise 16. Translate into Ukrainian using adverbial clauses of time and place:

1. As soon as we received your telegram, we instructed our head office to prepare the goods for shipment. 2. I stayed at the customs-house until the goods had been examined. 3. Participants had no sooner reached the station than it began to rain. 4. The moment I saw him I understood that something had happened. 5. While you are having lunch, I shall be reading your documents. 6. I was informed of it the day I arrived in Odessa. 7. We shall find new partners when we open a new company. 8. Wherever he went, he was welcome. 9. I like to spend my leave where I can be alone. 10. They will show us their exhibition when we return.

Exercise 17. Compose your own sentences using the following conjunctions. Mind the adverbial clauses of manner, time, and place:

whenever, as long as, while, as if, when, till, until, wherever, as soon as, after, before.

Exercise 18. Translate into English using adverbial clauses of manner, time, and place:

1. Вам варто робити все, як шеф каже. 2. Доповідач говорила так, ніби вона знала це питання досконало. 3. Після того, як угоду було підписано, делегація поїхала у готель. 4. Ми не мали від нього ніяких новин з того часу, як він поїхав закордон. 5. Завідуючий зателефонує вам, як тільки він підпише ваші документи. 6. Коли ми йшли по коридору, ми зустріли нового менеджера з продажу. 7. Коли партнери приїхали в порт, товари відвантажувались на судно. 8. Все це сталось тоді, коли ми були закордоном. 9. Ми завершимо всю роботу до того часу, коли партнери приїдуть. 10. Голова ради директорів довіряв секретарю, як самому собі.


“Management is activity or art where

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