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Adverbial Clauses of Cause, Purpose, Condition

Exercise 12. Translate into English using adverbial clauses of cause, condition and purpose:

1. Give us a call, у випадку якщо ви спізнюєтесь на зустріч. 2. Якщо буде погана погода, our exposition will be cancelled. 3. I was afraid, як би не забути адресу нового офісу. 4. We shall receive some subsidy (grant) при умові, що ми закінчимо проект вчасно. 5. We didn’t like those goods тому, що нам не сподобалось упакування. 6. Some people borrow money, щоб сплатити борги вчасно. 7. Через те, що у нас було обмаль часу, we couldn’t succeed in choosing the most appropriate scene for the report.

Exercise 13. Read, translate and find the adverbial clause of condition:

1. If it rains tomorrow, we shall change our plans. 2. The negotiations will be canceled only if something goes wrong. 3. In case you miss the lecture, call your tutor. 4. You won’t pass your final test unless you work hard. 5. We have to do it whether we like it or not. 6. There will be no trouble as long as you keep our secret. 7. Only when the supervisor dismisses us we can leave the hall at once.

Exercise 14. Read, translate and find the adverbial clause of cause and purpose:

1. Because he is rich, he thinks he can buy everything in the world. 2. As we were not at the shareholders meeting, we spoke to the head of the department. 3. We didn’t like the equipment because it didn’t correspond to our requirements. 4. I shall give you all financial data on our firm so that you can write a final report in time. 5. Let’s go now quickly so that we do not miss the talks. 6. Study all points of the contract lest you fail in business. 7. The director was furious that his instructions were ignored by the employees. 8. My colleague works hard so that he will become a millionaire.

Exercise 15. Find out and define the adverbial clauses in the following sentences. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Unless you finish the project in time, I shall inform our chief. 2. This student worked hard so that he might win the scholarship. 3. Our secretary will give you the documents so that you can sign them in time. 4. Since our new partner has expressed his regrets, we shall take no further action against him. 5. The director was invited to the exposition in order to be shown how wonderfully everything had been organized. 6. We are very glad that you like our new production mix. 7. As I could not find the sales manager, I left a message with the secretary. 8. People eat so that they may live.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 615 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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