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Module Control 3

Units 5 – 6

Assignment 1. Open the brackets using Present Participle or Past Participle:

1. We buy goods (to offer) by our old partners. 2. When (to lack) raw materials the country imports them from other countries. 3. (To select) a new market the producer must divide it into segments. 4. When (to read) this English text, I came across some new words. 5. I saw them (to work) over the new points of the contract. 6. The factors (to call) the 4 Ps provide the most effective choice for the consumer. 7. They look through catalogues (to send) to them from abroad.

Assignment 2. Transform the following sentences using participle complexes instead of the subordinate clauses as in the model:

Model: The firm sent us papers which describe the new trend of the production process.

The firm sent us papers describing the new trend of the production process.

1. They will provide the components at prices which were quoted in the latest offer. 2. The products which were bought in the market are of high quality. 3. When the manufacturer introduces a new product he must know its competitive status. 4. The secretary showed us contracts which describe new terms of the delivery. 5. After we had concluded an agreement with the foreign partners we received all necessary papers. 6. When a man knows any foreign language he can work with any foreign partner. 7. He will lend me some amount of money which was borrowed from the bank.

Assignment 3. Change the following sentences using gerundial complexes:

1. Do you mind if I close the window? 2. The head of the department insisted that I should stay in the office. 3. Will you object if I smoke here? 4. We insisted that he should come with us. 5. We know that the delegation arrives at the Borispol airport. 6. There is no chance that they will call on us tonight. 7. Would you mind if we come to your lecture in international economics?

Assignment 4. Paraphrase the following sentences using gerundial complexes according to the model:

Model: I want him to visit our company.

- I insist on his visiting our company.

1. I want you to finish the project in time. 2. They wanted me to make a report in French. 3. She wants you to work in our firm for a long time. 4. I want her to be sent to the conference in Toronto. 5. We wanted our partners to visit new enterprises. 6. The lecturer wants the student to explain this rule in English. 7. They wanted us to take part in the congress.

Assignment 5. Write the following words in normal English script. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words:

1. [΄feiljə] 5. [dis´tiŋkt]

2. [kəm΄plein] 6. [di΄klεə]

3. [¸flΛktju´ei∫n] 7. [ri´se∫n]

4. [in΄fo:s] 8. [ə΄fendiη]

1. Consumer Bill of Rights..... that every consumer had several rights. 2. Consumers can be assured that their interests will be fully considered by government when laws are being developed and...... 3.. Consumers were often cheated in many ways and there was nowhere...... about the..... businesses. 4. Narrow range of customers causesproblematic....... in turnoverand profit. 5. In many markets, there is often a..... market challenger, with the second-largest market share. 6. Small companies are vulnerable in a........ 7. The buying decisions we make can leadto either success or...... of many businesses.

Assignment 6. Translate into English:

1. Він наполягав на тому, щоб ми негайно поїхали у відрядження. 2. Обладнання замовлене на київському заводі, буде доставлене через декілька тижнів. 3. Одержавши телеграму, він поїхав замовляти квитки. 4. Ми просили їх написати нам негайно, повідомивши нам умови платежу та доставки. 5. Вони не заперечують проти того, щоб ми приєднались до них у подорожі. 6. Платіж за доставлені товари буде зроблено наступного місяця. 7. Замість того, щоб телефонувати їм, я поїду на зустріч особисто. 8. Ми задоволені якістю представлених зразків обладнання. 9. На жаль, запропонований товар не відповідає нашим вимогам. 10. Прочитавши багато літератури з цього питання, він міг зробити дуже цікаву доповідь.


“Business that makes nothing but money

is a poor kind of business”.

Henry Ford. (1863 – 1947) –

a prominent American industrialist,

the founder of the Ford Motor Company

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