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Exercise 12. a) Form gerunds from the following infinitives and fill in the table; b) Make up 4 sentences with any of these forms

Infinitive Gerund
Indefinite Perfect
to provide    
to sign    
to buy    
to order    
to deal with    
to be busy    
to depend on    
to start    
to discuss    
to agree    

Exercise 13. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the gerund:

A. Model: I am sorry that I trouble you. – Excuse me for troubling you.

1. I am sorry that I ring you up so late.

2. We are sorry that we came without invitation.

3. She is sorry that she read your private mail.

4. He is very sorry that he disturbed you on week ends.

5. She is sorry that she went home without saying good-bye.

B. Model: It is useless to learn rules without examples. – It is no use learning rules without examples.

1. It is useless to go to the exhibition now. The tickets are sold out.

2. It is useless to invite them. They won’t come ’cause they are very busy.

3. It is useless to go shopping. Most of the shops are closed.

4. It is useless to teach her any foreign language. She is too little.

5. It is useless to study management. We don’t need it just now.

Exercise 14. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets (Gerund or Infinitive). Explain your choice:

1. My colleague offered (lend) me some amount of money.

2. We got tired of (wait) for the Japanese delegation in the airport.

3. Our new partners apologized for (be) late for the meeting.

4. Would you like (go) with me to the conference?

5. Do you remember (post) the office mail? Are you sure you’ve done it?

6. Most young people prefer (spend) their money.

7. We didn’t feel like (work) on Saturday, so we phoned our manager.

8. I enjoy (be) alone. I never feel lonely.

9. I’ll try (phone) John, but I’m not sure if I’ve got the right number.

Exercise 15. Complete the following sentences using Gerund:

1. He does not feel like … (to go into politics).

2. They couldn’t help … (to agree with them).

3. Would you mind … (to repeat)?

4. Your idea is worth … (to consider).

5. Excuse my … (to disturb) you.

6. The telephone in the office went on … (to ring).

7. Will you, please, stop … (to talk)?

Exercise 16. Translate into Ukrainian using Gerund:

1. I am not interested in (слухати) to those reports.

2. They object to secretary’s (проводити) the meeting with shareholders.

3. Our interpreter has no experience in (перекладати) technical literature from English into German.

4. That applicant is proud of (бути) among the members of our company.

5. Our chief manager prefers (зустрічатись) partners in the conference hall.

6. We are fond of (грати) tennis with the colleagues from the nearby office.

7. Instead of (працювати) seriously, they tell each other funny stories.

Exercise 17. Read and translate the following sentences. Define the functions of the Gerund:

1. Going for a business trip to Poland sounds great!

2. Excuse my interrupting you.

3. Managers went on discussing plans for the next year.

4. Partners did not think of staying there for more than three days.

5. I don’t remember ever meeting that man in our office. Who is he?

6. What are his reasons for refusing their invitation?

7. They stood a moment without speaking.

Exercise 18. Translate into English using Gerund:

1. Ми не можемо підготувати доповідь не прочитавши цих статей в оригіналі.

2. Ми наполягали на тому, щоб вони розпочали перемовини негайно.

3. Вони не заперечують проти того, щоб це питання обговорювалось сьогодні на конференції.

4. Всі співробітники розуміють всю важливість вивчення іноземних мов.

5.Отримавши телеграму, секретар негайно зателефонувала директору.

6. Чи варто нам сплачувати ці рахунки?

7. Продовжуйте плідно працювати над цим проектом.

8. Перевіряючи пошту, ми знайшли багато цікавих пропозицій.

9. Ви дуже допомогли мені тим, що дали бухгалтерські дані.

10. Закінчивши університет, вона поїхала працювати маркетологом закордон.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 640 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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