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Personal selling

a) are the various tools firms use to promote (advertising, selling, public relations, publicity, sales promotion, word-of-mouth).

b) is marketing activities that are performed to compete beyond the domestic market.

c) is face-to-face communication and does not go through a medium; thus it is not advertising.

Institutional advertising

a) is a kind of advertising, designed to create an attractive image for an organization.

b) is advertising to customers by various retail stores such as supermarkets, shoe stores, etc.

c) is advertising to wholesalers and retailers by manufacturers to encourage them to carry their products.

8. Customers/ clients

a) is a person who recognizes similarities as well as differences among countries. Such managers attempt to draw in the most effective techniques and practices, wherever they originate.

b) are people who buy the products of a particular company.

c) is a person who sees all countries as different and as hard to understand.

Trade advertising

a) is advertising designed to create an attractive image for an organization.

b) is advertising to wholesalers and retailers by manufacturers to encourage them to carry their products.

c) is advertising from manufacturers to other manufacturers.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 423 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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