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Module Control 2

Units 3 – 4

Assignment 1. Open the brackets using the necessary form of the Infinitive:

1. She seems (to translate) scientific articles. 2. We were very pleased (to receive) their invitation. 3. She pretended (to work) over such an awful project. 4. He seems (to discuss) a very important problem now. 5. They are lucky (to see) so many countries. 6. Our company president supposes them (to arrive) at the airport already. 7. She seems (to write) documents.

Assignment 2. Change the following complex sentences into simple ones using the Objective Infinitive Complex:

1. They watched me as I made my report at the conference. 2. Nobody noticed her as she went away from the meeting. 3. We expected that our clients would come in time at last. 4. I expect that my colleague will help me to compose a letter. 5. They suppose that our new worker is skilled enough. 6. We know that our chief is very honest. 7. Our wish is that you should do everything perfectly. 8. She supposes that her new partner is about 37. 9. He desires that I should see him off. 10. My wish is that you should stay here for a long time.

Assignment 3. Choose the correct tense for the verbs in brackets. Remember that the use of verbs after as if / as though is similar to that in Conditional sentences in real or unreal situation.

1. Tony knew nothing but he acted as if he (to know) everything. 2. He behaves as if he (to be) the boss of a company. May be he is? 3. I worked hard. By the end of the day I felt so tired as though I (to run) a mile. 4. The employees of this firm are not slaves, but they are treated as if they (to be). 5. Our new engineer had no special education, but he acted as though he (to be) a high level specialist in this branch.

Assignment 4. Write the following words in normal English script. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words:

1. [΄mju:tjuəli] 5. [¸s u:pə΄vaizəri]

2. ['ædvətaiz] 6. ['sΛbsidaizd]

3. [¸prəpə΄gændə] 7. [i΄væljueit]

4. [pri'dikt] 8. ['o:djəns]

1. Public relations are defined as a management function that..... public attitudes and identifies the policies and procedures of an individual. 2. A company can...... in a variety of ways, depending on how much it wishes to spend on advertising. 3. Public relations help an organization and its publics adapt......to each other.4. The aim of product advertising is to increase sales by making a product or service known to a wider......5. Market research helps the producer to..... what the people will want. 6. We benefit a lot from free radio and TV and....... newspapers and magazines. 7. One does not earn understanding by bombarding the public with...... 8. Today PR is a set of management,....., and technical functions.

Assignment 5. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Він керує нашою компанією як це робив колись його батько. 2. Інвестори мають бажання купувати облігації, що випускаються цією компанією. 3. Ця подія змусила керівництво підписати контракт. 4. Здається іноземні партнери збираються розірвати контракт. 5. Якщо б ми почали переговори раніше, ми б уже досягли результату. 6. Як виявилось, генеральний директор дотримав свого слова. 7. Щоб дати відповідь на це питання, ви мусите знати цей предмет дуже добре. 8. Якщо наші партнери збільшать об’єми по контракту, ми можемо отримати 8% скидку.

Assignment 6. Choose the definition for each term. Use the glossary to help you:

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 479 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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