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1. Баранцев К.Т. Англо – український фразеологічний словник. – К.: Радянська школа, 1996. – 1052 с.
2. Зорівчак Р.П. Фоазеологічна одиниця як перекладознавча категорія. – Львів: Вища школа, вид.- во при Харків. ун-ті, 1983.
3. Карабан В. І. Посібник - довідник з перекладу англійської наукової і технічної літератури на українську мову. Ч. І-ІІ. -К.: Політична думка, 1997,1999, 2001.
4. Карабан В.І., Борисова О.В. Попередження інтерференції мови оригіналу в перекладі, В.: Нова книга, 2003.
5. Карабан В.І. Translation from Ukrainian into English. В.: Нова книга, 2003.
7. Корунець І. В. Теорія і практика перекладу. - К.: Нова книга, 2001. - 446с.
9. Povey J., Walshe I. An English Idioms and How to Use Them. -M.: Вища школа, 1983.
1. Idiomatic or phraseological expressions are structurally, lexically and semantically fixed phrases or sentences having mostly the meaning, which is not made up by the sum of meaning of their component parts. A peculiar feature of idiomatic / phraseological expressions is their figurative, i.e., metaphorical nature and usage. It is this nature that makes them distinguishable from structurally identical free combination of words: red tape - червона стрічка, канцелярський формалізм, play with fire - гратися з вогнем, наражатися на небезпеку.
On rare occasions idiomatically bound expressions can coincide with their direct meaning: to die a dog's death – здохнути, як собака, to receive a hero's welcome – зустріти як героя. Some proper names have acquired their constant meaning and cannot be confused with usual names of people: Jack Ketch - кат, Croesus – надзвичайно багатий, Tommy Atkins - американський солдат, Yankee - американець, etc.
Idiomatic / phraseological expressions should not be mixed up with different fixed prepositional, adjectival, verbal, adverbial phrases the meaning of which is not an actual sum of meanings made up by their parts either: for the sake of, cut short, make believe, by George, or compounds like: fifty-fifty, topsy-turvy; combinations like: high and dry, cut and run, touch and go. A lot of other stable expressions can be treated as standardized collocations. They have a transparent meaning and are easier to translate than regular idioms.
Many idioms, proverbs, which have national literary images can be rendered descriptively, due to absence of similar idioms in the TL: Canterbury tale - вигадка, blue bonnet - шотландець, an odd / queer fish – дивак, to dine with Duke Humphrey – залишитися без обіду, зуби на чомусь з’їсти to have great experience in smth. None of the phraseologisms above can be translated word-for-word since their images would lose their connotative meaning in the TL.
Not infrequent the meaning of a standardized collocation (after V. V. Vinogradov) like that of a regular idiom may have synonymous single word equivalents in the TL: to make comfort - втішатися, the world and his wife - усі, to apply the screw - натиснути (на когось).
The selection of the most fitting variant of expression in the TL should be based not only on the semantic proximity of the idioms / phraseologisms but also on the similarity in their expressiveness, picturesqueness, in their basic images (so called phraseological unities): many hands make work light - де згода, там і вигода, гуртом і батька добре бити.
A number of phraseological units have a common source of origin, they are characterized by partial or complete identity: to cast pearls before swine - кидати перла перед свинями, to cherish/warm a viper in one's bosom - пригріти гадюку в пазусі. They have an international nature.
Some idioms/phraseologisms do not have traditionally established literary variant in the TL. In their rough word-for-word variant they lose their idiomatic/aphoristic nature: the moon is not seen when the sun shines - місяця не видно, коли світить сонце.
A faithful translation of phraseological/idiomatic expressions depends upon some factors the main of which are as follows:
- whether the idiomatic expression in the SL and in the TL is of the same/different source of origin;
- whether the idiomatic expression has in the TL only one, more than one or all componential images in common;
- whether the componential images, when translated, are perceived by the TL speakers;
- whether the structural form of the idiomatic expressions can be rendered in the TL without any transformations;
- whether there exists an analogous/similar in sense idiomatic expression in the TL, etc.
2. The ways of faithful rendering of the idiomatic / phraseological expressions.
a) by choosing absolute/complete equivalents.
Every componential part of the SL idioms is retained in the TL unchanged, when dealing with idioms which originate from the same source:
- Greek or other mythology: Pandora's Box - скринька Пандори (джерело всяких лих), the Trojan horse, a labour of Sisyphus -Сізіфова праця / важка і марна праця.
- Ancient history or literature: to cross the Rubicon - перетнути Рубікон/прийняти важливе рішення, І come, I saw, I conquered -прийшов, побачив, переміг.
- the Bible or works based on a biblical plot: a lost sheep - заблудла вівця, the ten commandments - 10 заповідей, prodigal son - блудний син,
- contemporary sources: (Eng) my house is my castle - мій дім-моя фортеця, (French) to pull the chestnuts out of the fire - вигрібати чужими руками каштани з вогню, (Spain) blue blood – блакитна кров, (Germ) Sturm und Drang - буря і натиск.
Some minor alternations in the structure/word order may not be excluded altogether. They do not change either the denotative or connotative meanings: appetite comes while eating- апетит приходить під час їжі, Caesar's wife must be beyond suspicion - дружина Цезаря не повинна бути під підозрою.
Not only regular idioms but many standardized word-combinations may originate from a common source.
b) Translation of idioms by choosing near equivalents ("translation by means of loans" - "калькування", "кальки").
A great number of idioms originating from a common source may have one or more different components: the devil is not so black as he is painted - не такий чорт страшний, як його малюють, a lot of water had run under the bridge - багато води спливло відтоді, as pale as paper - блідий, мов стіна.
The slight divergences can be seen in:
in the structure of the TL variant (to make a long story short – сказати коротко);
in the omission (or adding) of a part in the TL (a lot of water run under the bridge since then);
in the substitution of a feature of the SL for some other in the TL (more fitting) - to know smth as one knows his ten fingers - знати як своїх 5 пальців;
in the generalization of the features of the SL idiomatic expression: one’s own flesh and bone - рідна кровинка;
in the concretization of some features of the SL expression: a voice in the wilderness - голос волаючого в пустелі.
c) Translating by choosing genuine idiomatic analogies.
Majority of English idiomatic expressions have similar in sense units in Ukrainian, they are very close in their connotative meaning, they are genuine analogies of proverbs, sayings as well as standardized, stable collocation: to have the ready tongue - за словом у кишеню не лізти; there is no use crying over spilt milk - що з воза впало, те пропало; like mistress, like maid - яблуко від яблуні недалеко падає.
Many of them may often have many analogies in the TL. For Ukrainian phraseological expression і на сонці є плями / людини без вад не буває: every man has a fool in his sleeve, every man has his faults, every bean has its black, every man has his weak side, Homer sometimes sleeps, it is a good horse that never stumbles, etc.
d) Translating idioms by choosing approximate analogies:
Some SL idiomatic and stable expressions may have a specific nature of their components, and form nationally peculiar images. They have some hidden meaning, which is not clear for the foreigner to catch it. They do not have genuine analogies but only approximate, no less expressive and picturesque than the SL variants: to be finger and thumb - водою не розлити, it is six and half a dozen - не вмер Данило, так болячка задавила, to get the blues - місця собі не знаходити/сумувати, etc.
e) Descriptive translating of idiomatic and set expressions.
The meaning of a considerable number of idiomatic and set expressions can be rendered through descriptive way, explication only. If can be expressed in the TL in some ways:
1) by a single word: out of a clear blue of the sky - раптом, to pall and peel - грабувати, обдирати, poor fish - йолоп, нікчема, sell smoke - підманювати.
2) by a free combination of words as in: school miss - школярка, сором'язлива, недосвідчена дівчина, the sixty-four dollar question- найважливіше питання;
3) By a sentence or a longer explanation: white elephant - непотрібний подарунок, якого важко позбутися (більше турбот ніж користі), yes man - людина, що з усіма згоджується, a wet blanket - обставина, що розхолоджує.
Depending on the speech style, in which the idiomatic, phraseological expressions are used some above-given methods of translations and even new variants of translation may be suggested by the translator.
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