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Identification of international lexicon units

Internationalisms are such language units which are borrowed from one and the same source language (SL) by at least three genealogically different 1anguges in the same or similar lingual form and identical meaning (долар, атом, інтерес, директор, театр, etc).

International may be not only words and phrases, but also morphemes-prefixes, suffixes and even inflexions. The most occurring affixes in English and Ukrainian are the following:

1. prefixes: anti-/анти-, ех-/екс-, inter-/iнтep-, trans-транc-, ultra-/ ультра-; as in antibody - антитіло, international - інтернаціональний, transmission - трансмісія, ultraviolet.

2. suffixes: -ar/-ap, -er/-ep, -ist/-ист, -іст; -ssion/-ciя, -tion/- ція, etc as in actor - актор, volunteer - волонтер, humanist - гуманіст, agression - агресія, constitution.

3. Inflexions: -um/-ум (memorandum - меморандум), -us/- ус (radius - радіус), -a/-a (formula - формула), etc. These morphemes are conveyed with the help of the translator's transcription (either translated, transcribed) sometimes, through the combination of both these methods. There is distinguished:

a) the social and political terminology comprising political, economic, philosophical, sociological units of lexicon (audit, bank, parliament, president), terms designating international law, diplomacy, literary terms (drama, poet, hyperbole, epithet, etc.).

b) l history, sciences terminology (physics, genetics, genes, pneumonia, etc.).

c) numerous technical terms (motor, starter, bus, taxi, fax, e- ail, etc.)

Genuine internationalisms never change their lingual (orthographic or sounding) form nor their internationally established meaning (audit, therapeutic, motor). The main characteristic feature of genuine internationalisms is their semantic singularity, i .e. their lexical identity and orthographic similarity in the S L and in all T Ls remains unchanged both at 1anguage level and at speech level.

Translations of loan units of lexicon, loan internationalisms, have a common structural form but rarely a similarity in their orthographic form. They are mostly scientific and technological terms: brake - гальмо, nonconducting - непровідність, government - керування.

Along these two groups there exist many international phraseological expressions. Their fund is constituted by the so-called absolute and near equivalents having a common 1anguage of origin - Greek, Latin or modern. Heel of Achilles - ахіллесова п'ята, sword of Damocles - дамоклів меч, after us the deluge -після нас хоч потоп, the fair sex - прекрасна стать.

A separate subgroup of genuine internationalisms constitute proverbs, sayings, which are used in their original form. Тhеу have become regular mots refer to as barbarisms: status in statu - держава в державі, repetitio est. mater studiorum - повторення – мати навчання, finita la commedia - настав кінець, c'est la vie -таке життя, da ist der Hund begraben! - ось де собака закопаний, O.K., all right - усе гаразд.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 1455 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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