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The lexico-grammatical expression of modality through modal verbs

This kind of modality is realized in both 1anguages via modal verbs plus the infinitive of the notional verb, performing the function of compound modal verbal predicate.

1.1. Can / could.

Can / could expressing physical or mental ability is translated with the help of могти, вміти, мати змогу, можливість.

Не could hardly take his eyes off her - Нe міг очей відірвати від неї.

When expressing doubt, uncertainty - невже, хіба, навряд (mainly in interrogative and negative sentences) Can’t you believe me? - Невже ви мені не вірите?

When expressing reproach, surprise, permission - можна. How can one promise that? - Як можна таке обіцяти?

In some environment can may be rendered in Ukrainian -through other modal verbs: How can you talk to me like that - Як ти смієш зі мною так розмовляти

Can / could followed by the perfect infinitive may be translated: through the past form of verb or through its subjunctive mood form. She can’t have neglected all that. - Невже вона всім цим знехтувала? Вона не могла всім цим знехтувати

N.B. Some modal meanings of can have no equivalents in Ukrainian I can hear you well. Я добре чую тебе. Can you see me? Ти бачиш мене?

1.2. May / might – to be permitted / to be allowed

expressing permission - можна. May I go? Можна йти?

expressing permission - дозволяти, не заперечувати

expressing possibility, assumption, uncertainty, advice - мати. І may remind him of a time he prefers to forget. Я матиму змогу пригадати йому той час, про який він воліє не згадувати.

When expressing wish - хай, щоб, initiating the sentences. May they live a long life - Хай їм щастить!

May / might followed by a perfect infinitive of actions which might not have been carried out. She may have forgotten... - Вона, мабуть, забула. Вона, певне, забула. Можливо, вона забула. Цілком імовірно, що вона забула. А,може, вона забула...

Verb may is often used in the 1anguage of documents to express polite but severe warning: A member of the UNO... may be expelled from the organization. Держава - член ООН може бути виключена.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 1094 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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