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Translating of loan internationalisms

International loan units can be rendered into Ukrainian in one of the three ways:

- by direct translation of the componental parts without changing considerably their structural form: coefficient of efficiency - коефіцієнт корисної дії, compound nominal predicate - складений іменниковий присудок.

- with the help of componental translation and some replacements, omissions or substitutions arising from the national peculiarities of the TL: foreign trade - зовнішня торгівля (не іноземна), living standard - життєвий рівень (не стандарт).

- with the help of descriptive translation: digital computer - цифрова обчислювальна машина, pluralia tantum - іменники, що вживаються тільки в множині.

Lecture 5

Units of nationally biased lexicon and ways of their translation

1. Units of nationally biased lexicon.

2. Ways of rendering the meaning of nationally biased units of lexicon:

a) by transcription or transliteration exclusively;

b) by transcription or transliteration and explication;

c) by descriptive explaining (explication only);

d) by translation of componental parts and additional explication of units of the nationally biased lexicon;

e) by ways of word-for-word or loan translation;

f) translating by means of semantic analogies.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 2174 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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