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These modal verbs are: shall, will, would and partly should.
through the verb хотіти, or through the logical stress: Shall I tell you? - Розповісти вам?(Хочете, щоб я розповів вам?)
expressing warning, threat or resolute demand through the imperative verb form. I shall want your account of how this happened. - Вимагаю звіту про те, як ви таке допустили.
In other cases the meaning of shall may coincide with that of the modal verb dare.
Will may coincide with would
Will expressing volition, demand, assurance through the corresponding verb and logical stress. "I will be another kind of president " - "Я буду/ обіцяю бути зовсім іншим президентом."
Will as assurance and promise - обіцяю
Determination, perseverance or promising threat - future tense.
I will prosecute you myself - Я сам вас судитиму
Polite request. When would / will you like to come over? - Коли б ви хотіли зайти?
Supposition - Ukrainian modal verb or by means of the subjunctive mood. This will be the place where they reposed - Це, напевне, і є те місце, де вони перепочивали.
Resistance to an action referring to the present or to the future, which is observed only in English. Help him. The door will not unlock. - Допоможіть, двері ніяк не відмикаються.
Preference choice and other meanings as in the set expressions – I’d rather / I’d sooner - by the subjunctive mood forms and краще, ліпше. Mother said she would much rather watch him fish and not try to fish herself. Мати сказала, що вона радніше спостерігала б, як він вудить, ніж самій вудити.
Will, would are used in many set expressions: You’ d make a saint swear - Ти навіть святого виведеш / вивів би з рівноваги.
Should as a modal verb is often used in reference to present and to future.
Obligation, necessity. What do you think he should do?
Regret, sorrow, grief. I shouldn't have said that.
Advice, recommendation, admonition.
Supposition, suggestion. Perhaps I should introduce... - Може,б мені представити... Мабуть, представлю … Може, бодай представити...
Surprise, indignation or pleasure (with the indefinite or perfect infinitive following the verb should) God forbid that I should ever say a good word for you. - Боронь Боже мені сказати хоч одне добре слово за тебе.
Reproval, protest, disappointment - Треба, слід, потрібно.
Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 908 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!