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Or perfect infinitive perfect infinitive

e.g. I should(would) help him if I could (might).

If he could (might) have helped you, he would have done it.

B. 1.If they could have sent the telegram, … 2. …. They would have started in time. 3. … if the girl might stay there for a weekend. 4. They would be glad to … 5. …if the doctor could have come in time. 6. … the students would have postponed the visit. 7. If the children could walk this distance, … 8. I should not have asked you for help if …. 9. The woman would like to speak to her sick husband if … 10/ … if he might.

Pattern III

Principal clause Subordinate clause

could, might + non-perfect or Subjunctive Moodof the type

Or perfect infinitive were, spoke (had been, had spoken)

e.g. He could (might) accompany you there if he were free.

He could (might) have accompanied you there if he had been (were) free.

C. 1. If the girl were ready, … 2. … the professor might have offered you his help. 3. … if the teacher had explained the new rule. 4. … the man might see you off. 5. If I had been introduced to the man, … 6. He could have rejected the proposal if … 7. Suppose …, the accident might have been avoided. 8. The work could be done without delay, if only … 9. He might come jet if … 10. I could not resist the temptation if …

Pattern IV

Principal clause Subordinate clause

Subjunctive Moodof the typeSubjunctive Moodof the

Should/would+ non-perfect were to + non-perfect infinitive

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 502 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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