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Should(would) have spoken (had been, had spoken)

e.g. They would not come on time even though we warned them.

They would not have come on time even though we had warned them.

C. 1. Even though the trip had been more dangerous … 2. I should never play the piano as well as you even if … 3. Even if … they would stay there overnight. 4. The crew would have been rescued even though … 5. The man …. Even if you had not asked him for help. 6. Even though the travelers were aware of the danger … 7. … even though you could not get him on the plane. 8. …it will reach the place of destination in time.

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the sentence using the connectives suggested in brackets.

Model 1. Carrie applied to many places but she could not find any work (no matter where, wherever). - No matter where (wherever) Carrie applied (may have applied) she could not find any work.

1.Andrew made many calls and received many patients but Mrs. Page was not satisfied (no matter how many) (after Cronin). 2. Everything Christne said or did in those days, annoyed Andrew (whatever, no matter what) (after Cronin). 3. The guest (Mr.Griffith) was very careful and secretive and jet the landlady soon noticed that there was something queer about him (though, even though, no matter how) (after Wells). 4. Lanny and Sarie could have reached Cape Town, but they would have never lived in peace there (no matter whether, even though) (after Abrahams). 5. Dr. Kemp was interested in Griffith’s experiments but he would have never agreed to work with him (no matter how much, no matter how, however much, though) (after Wells). 6. Montanelli could have helped the Gadfly to escape, but they would have never come to an understanding for neither of them would give up his beliefs (although, even though) (after Voynich).7. Professor Higgins taught Eliza the standard English pronunciation but never the less she could not pass for a lady (even though) (after Shaw).

Model 2. If the doctor had examined the young man more carefully, he would have found something wrong with him. – Even if the doctor had examined the young man more carefully he would not have found anything wrong with him.

1.If David had behaved better, Mr. Murdstone would have treated him differently. 2. Mr.Murdstone wouldn’t have sent David to Salem House if his mother had protested against it more strongly. 3. If Pegotty had been sent away David’s life would not have been miserable. 4. David would never have found Miss Trotwood’s cottage if he had not accidently met Janet, his aunt’s maid.5. If Mr.Dick had not given her any advice, Miss Trotwood would not have known what she should do with David (after Dickens). 6. If Andrew had been more a little more experienced, he would have put an end to the outbreak of typhoid at once.7. Had he known what kind of job he was talking he would never have accepted Mrs. Page’s offer (after Cronin). 8. If Nom had not come to see Aunt Polly that night, she would not have forgiven him for running away to the uninhabited island (after Twain). 9. If Tom had expected to meet Injun Joe in the cave, he would not have ventured to search for the treasure. 10. If Tom had not met Huck on the way to school, he would never have come late to the lesson (after Twain).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 513 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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