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1.The intervals were never as long as they had seemed(Greene). 2. Roy was as sick as he expected to be (Aldridge). 3. It proved more difficult to get out of the Phat Diem area than it had been to get in (Greene). 4. Roy watched these two men as had never watched them before (Aldridge). 5. Roy was stretched to his full length moaning sometimes, as if he were in pain (Aldridge). 6. “He will not be long”, she said as though I needed comfort for his absence (Greene).

Exercise 2. Classify the subordinate clauses joined by as into adverbial clauses of comparison and manner, adverbial clauses of time or cause or attributive clauses.

1. Roy did as he was told, and as he felt the weight taken off his back he found it more difficult to stand (Aldridge). 2. Write that you decline to support this scheme of hers, as you hold it to a dishonest scheme (Whide). 3. The Coroner himself had had business relations with French persons in his capacity as a solicitor, and could assure such of the jury as had never been in France that they ought to allow for these different standards (Sayers). 4. Scotty had liked Andy just as they had all liked him, but it was clear that he liked Andy no more (Aldridge). 5. I never saw such luck as that fellow had (Cronin). 6. Roy was so tired as he walked in the night that sleep seemed all the ultimate good that man could require (Aldridge). 7. I want you in my room and as Helen Burns is with you, she may come too (Bronte).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 497 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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