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Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate connectives or join the attributive clauses asyndetically, giving variants wherever possible

1. The village... their families lived had been captured 2. I saved such equipment... could not be replaced. 3. There were times... he half fancied that he had talent for painting 4. He was the most impartial critic... could be found. 5 My aim had been to write about the less accessible islands... charms are not so widely known. 6. I didn't hear all... he said, for my mind was elsewhere. 7. Everything... I did that evening took a long time. 8. He,... carried out a daily inspection, gave vent to his fury, 9 The man of science sur­veys the results of earlier students and applies his energies at the point... they left off. 10. The plan was the best.. could be adopted. 11. Along the passage,... walls are bare as those of a tube went mother with children. 12. It is bad enough to have an afternoon nap disturbed by such a pas­sage... I've been forced to hear. 13. It is better than most medicines... come in battles. 14. The man offered him a Vit Health sandwich,... he refused politely 15. He had a dog at his house... had a far better ear for musiG than he had 16. The child stared out of the window, murmuring to him­self, to the automobiles, cows, trees, houses, and people... floated past.[1] 17 I remembered the night... I had gone down to the mortuary with him. 18. She told me that she missed me,..., of course, was what I wanted to hear. 19. She looked to him much the same child.. he had met six years ago.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 618 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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