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Exercise 2. Pick out the attributive clauses; point out the words the clause refer to; say whether clauses are introduced a) asyndetically, b) syndetically; define the connective

1. Perhaps, he was just killed someone who wanted his money (Greene). 2. … Gabriel went away to a remote corner of the room where Freddy Malin’s mother was sitting (Joyce). 3. She has an opportunity which is offered to very few us (Maugham). 4. Ben… was having trouble with the valve that supplied the right amount of air (Aldridge). 5. Those were the days when there was something like singing to be heard in Dublin (Joyce). 6. That was the knife he had had no time to use (Aldridge). 7. He wanted to explain all he had felt and thought…(Aldridge). 8. She belonged to a world about which he knew nothing at all (Greene). 9. They had agreed that during the first evening they would avoid asking questions about how and why Emil had left Vienna (Warner). 10. The only person in the household with whom he seemed to feel at ease was Hannah(Warner). 11. We shall still… cherish in our hearts the memory of those dead and gone great ones whose fame the world will not willingly let die (Joyce). 12. I felt the same walking down Piccadilly after the war as I did as a youngster back from India (Galsworthy).

Exercise 3. Define the kinds of attributive clauses. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. It was the hour of rest in the immense courtyard which lay open to the sky (Greene). 2. The procession of cars well ahead of us by the time we started (Greene). 3. Then Harris, who was sitting next the window, drew aside the curtain and looked out the street (Jerome). 4. There is no doubt that my wife was bitterly jealous (C. Doyle). 5. There are times when all of us are afraid of him (C. Doyle). 6. … I have no distinct remembrance whether it pleased or frightened me (Dickens). 7. I had a strong impression that my company was not wanted (Greene).8. We were expected to work all the time, which appears reasonable enough (Braine).9. In the distance lay the park, where the trees were weighted with snow (Joyce). 10. A similar revolver she could concealed… in Miss Dunbar’s wardrobe after discharging one barrel, which she could easily do in the woods without attracting attention (C. Doyle).

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences adding attributive elauses with the connectives suggested in brackets. Give variants wher­ever possible, changing the place of the preposition and joining the clauses asyndetically.

1. He had to defend his views before his colleagues (мно­гие из которых).. 2. They had an arrangement (по ко­торому).. 3 The travellers arrived at the town (о котором)…. 4. The old man returned to the village (в которой)... _ 5. In the provincial museum (в котором)... they saw many relics of the Patriotic War of 1812. 6. The textbook (о которой)... has at last been published. 7. He is not the kind of man (на которого).... 8. Give me the name of the student (с ко- торым).... 9. Here is the book (за которой).... 10. We have done the best (что).... 11. I'll go anywhere, (куда)... 12. By the time (когда).... 13. His room was in the corri- dor (в дальнем конце которого).... 14. Не came very late (что).... 15. I remember the day (когда).... 16. The sec­retary spoke very rudely (что).... 17. This is the same moot problem (по поводу которой)....

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 475 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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