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Exercise 7. Point out predicative clauses; state by what connectives they are introduced

1.I had said the name... It was as (though I had taken a purge and rid myself of an intolerable pain. (Du Maurier). 2. To blow the bridge at a stated hour based on the time set for the attack is how it should be done. (Hemingway). 3. It looked as though the silence of the night were getting on her nerves. (Maugham). 4. The provok­ing thing was that... Bertha couldn't make her out. (Mansfield). 5. This was not how the object itself would look: this was the image in a mirror, reversed. (Greene). 6. That was where Mrs. Gibson's body lay. (Conan Doyle). 7. And this is what he remembered. (Gals­worthy). 8. Dr. Macphail's first thought was that something had hap­pened to Miss Thompson. (Maugham). 9. Perhaps... that was why he wanted to take her out to-day! (Coppard). 10. "Now the question is," said Josephine, "whether we shall keep her or not." (Mansfield). 11. "The trouble was... he got mixed up." (Greene). 12. "We are just as we were," said Adrian, "friends." (Galsworthy)

Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate connectives to join the predicative clauses:

1. He says Lowell did that during the twenty minutes she was there. That is … she was so upset by Lavinia (Ford). 2. The result is …it is very difficult to indicate the English public to buy and read plays (B. Shaw). 3. The fundamental trouble is… men and women are different creatures, with different minds and different paths in life(Leacock). 4. That.. makes Englishmen unpopular on the continent(G. Greene). 5. It was... we had been unconsciously driving towards danger instead of away from it (G. Greene). 6. His felt... they would come out of their sockets (Abrahams). 7. Well, that's... it was (Ford). 8 All she wanted to know... he wrote letters to his wife (Mitchell) 9. All I can say is... Mako's brain seems to be crammed full of knowledge (Abrahams). 10. The reason he wanted to be alone... he was very popular (Macken). 11. And this is... Ashley meant when he wrote that war was not glory but dirt and misery (Mitchell). 12. It's exactly... I felt an hour; Crafts made his revelations (B. Shaw). 13. And I it's... this generation is just wise enough to know t is sick (Mansfield).

Exercise 9. Make up complex sentences with predicative clauses out of the following pairs of utterances. Choose connective words from the guiding question, otherwise use that, whether, if, as if, as though.

Model: 1. What isthe condition? Must Mr. Halloway take part in the conference? – The condition is that Mr. Halloway should take part in the conference.

2. How did he look? Was he about to raise an objection? - He looked as if he were about to raise an objection.

1.Where can you find a man? Is this the puzzle? 2. What is the reason of Jim’s sulky look? Has he quarreled with Rosy? 3. Was the house deserted? How did it look? 4. How long will it take them to finish the calculation? Is this the point? 5. What is the question? Has he formed a definite opinion of this matter? 6. Didn’t she consider the young man suitable? Was this the problem? 7. Were they willing to agree? What was your understanding? 8. Is Mary pleased? What is your impression? 9. How did they get that information? Is this the puzzle? 10. Is John guilty? How does he look? 11. Will Pete accept our condition or won’t he? What is the problem? 12. Had Milly recovered from her flu? How did she feel? 13. Should your son first finish school? What is your plan? 14. Should we start anew? Is this the best way? 15. Were they expected at that time? How did it seem?

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