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Exercise 1. State whether the object clauses are introduced asyndetically or syndetically. In the latter case pick out connectives. Translate the sentences

1. Florence: You must do whatever your conscience tells you to be right, Dr. Cumming.(Berkeley) 2. What Miss Fulton did, Bertha didn’t know.(Mansfield) 3. What is guarantee that my orders are not changed? (Hemingway) 4. She found that I listened to what she said…(Conan Doyle) 5. I do not blame the dog because I take it that it is his nature. (Jerome) 6. “I only want to remember what you have seen”, he said…(Greene) 7. I couldn’t tell who the speakers were. (Greene) 8. Lord: One can always tell from a woman’s bonnet whether she has got a memory or not. (Wilde) 9. Lady Hunstanton: I hope I shall remember that(Wilde) 10. Lady Hunstanton: I think there must have been thunder in the air. (Wilde) 11. Nella inquired where the Baroness meant to take lunch. (Bennett) 12. Lady Windermere:... I don't see why a man should think he is pleasing a woman enormously when he says to her a whole heap
of things that he doesn't mean (Wilde). 13."I see how it is… (Bennett) 14. I was horribly afraid lest some one might walk up Salisbury Lane... (Bennett). 15.I wondered if the bishop' wife saw theflush on my face... (Du Maurier). 16. The bishop's wife wants to
know when we are going to give a fancy dress ball at Manderley,"I said... (Du Maurier). 17. Really impossible to tell which of the two was the better museum specimen... (Galsworthy). 18. Lady Britomart: Andrew, I am exceedingly sorry I allowed you to call on us. (Shaw). 19. Dinny

felt suddenly that she was on very thin ice. (Galsworthy).

20...."I'm terribly glad I've met you at last."(Galsworthy). 21. "I wonder if you two,ever began to understand each other." (Galsworthy).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 580 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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